Monday, December 17, 2012

If we are to be truly safe, don't stop at guns...

     If we are going to ban guns, because people can cause harm to themselves and others, we need to get serious and really start protecting life by taking away ANYTHING that can cause the death of a person. Let's start the list--

     Knives, forks, skewers, pencils, pens, tree branches, toothpicks, sewing needles, crochet needles, markers, napkins, fabrics of any kind, human hair, fingers, toes, arms, 
legs, carnivorous animals, tall buildings, vehicles of any kind, stairs, furniture, glass, rigid plastics, all metallic products, any chemically made products, all solid foods, all bodies of water larger than 8 ounces, all surgeries must be banned because the risk death in most surgeries is about the same as the chances of a person being killed by a terrorist, pillows, rubber, rope, string, all objects (including rocks) that are larger than a dime, ........... getting the picture yet?

     None of these objects, by themselves, or even in the hands of a person, would be suspicious of causing death, why are we banning guns? I caught a report this evening about a gun restriction initiative to scrutinize people's backgrounds and mental health before they can legally purchase a firearm. Sounds good, doesn't it? Especially in the wake of the tragedy in Connecticut, where the media's focus seems to be on the mental stability of the alleged shooter. The thing is folks, we already do this. There is a petition online that 80,000 people have signed within 24 hours of it being posted on the White House website. Why are people petitioning to do what we already do?

     What must be pointed out, as petitions like this gain so much popularity with the repeated propaganda by the media telling people what they want them to think, is the alleged shooter stole the guns. What good does making new laws restricting people from legally acquiring guns do to keep people from illegally getting them? 

     When the media is blatantly removing the facts, omitting truths, and now, the police chief of Newtown announces that they will prosecute any whistle blowers or independent journalists such as myself who report anything that is contrary to what they are reporting. I say to this man, BRING IT ON, PAL. We the people have a right to know the truth, and the right to decide for ourselves what to believe. Who the Hell are you to threaten prosecution for giving information? It is up to the receiver of the information to make the decision as to it's validity, not the state's.  

     The freedom of the press, as guaranteed by the first amendment of the constitution, is something apparently this officer has not heard of. Or he is purposefully trying to ignore the amendment. Just as the right to keep and bear arms is being ignored by our elected "officials" in Washington D.C.

     Throughout history, in every instance where a government turned on it's people, they first disarmed, and silenced them. Dissenters--those who would redress their grievances with their government, were imprisoned and/or put to death. When I first "woke up", I could not believe that we were repeating history, heading down the same path as the Germans did, as the Russians did, toward socialism, which, to me, is just the P.C. way of saying slavery. I came to realization, that our government wasn't stupid, they read the history books. And they believe they have learned how to make it work.

     They have learned to be patient, implementing little bits at a time, controlling the mainstream media, passing laws, that in plain English, violate the constitution. Now they threaten prosecution for spreading information, while our president, exploiting the memorial service of the murdered children to make a 24 minute televised  speech, vows to use the power of his office to "do something" about people shooting up places. Such an open ended comment, (in which he made no such claim with the Batman shooter, since it was before the election), leaves no doubt in this feller's mind just what he means by that. The complete disarmament of the United States citizens. In conjunction with the global tyrants in the U.N, who have been pushing all of our presidents to do so for decades.

     Well Mr. Newtown police chief, I don't believe the story and information you're telling me, and I'm probably not the only one. Therefore, by the power vested in me as a taxpaying American citizen, I am calling to ALL my fellow patriots who know they aren't telling us the truth, who know our rights as guaranteed by the constitution and the Freedom of Information Act, to come together on our Last Voice For Liberty FaceBook page, and let's see if we can come up with a fund or a lawyer who would take the case of prosecuting them for lying. If they can do it to us, we can to them.

     Remember one thing as the politics of this folds out. The alleged shooter was an autistic young man, who having never fired a gun before, stole his mother's four guns, killed her,(it can be reported now that she was in the employ of the CIA and DARPA, the reason she owned 4 guns, one of which was already banned under New York law), drove to another state, entered a school dressed as Rambo, shot 26 people with dead-on accuracy, then himself. (Also remember, this boy's father is involved in testifying in the LIBOR scandal, just like the Batman shooter's father).That is their "official" story, that's what they want everyone to believe. It feels ridiculous to say, or even type. 

  And sure enough, if this whole situation wasn't as sickening as it could seem already, as I am writing this, it has been brought to my attention that both Aurora, and Sandy Hook are mentioned in The Dark Knight Rises film. Check out our pod casts this week on the last voice for liberty YouTube channel, as we plan to report EVERYTHING they don't want you to know. And I dare someone to try and prosecute me for reporting the truth. For my ally is the U.S.Constitution, and a powerful ally it is. 

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