Saturday, December 15, 2012

I see false flags a-risin

     It wasn't so long ago, our nation was gripped by another senseless act of violence, by another "mentally unstable" young man, who amazingly procured firearms and opened fire upon a movie theater full of innocents. The outrage from the left, with their harrowing cries of blaming the guns for the violence, seemed not to gather as much steam toward full firearm confiscation as they would have liked. Why?
     There were too many initial reports of a second shooter, for starters, along with all the fishy evidence found at the gunman's apartment. Factor in suspicious funding to get the guns (remember, he was an unemployed student), a head full of psychoactive prescription narcotics, and the coup de gras, his father's involvement in the LIBOR scandal, there was more than enough evidence to point out a false flag setup.
     Now that the tragedy in Connecticut has occurred, the socialist/fascist/communists again are screaming for gun confiscation, and as a free man, capable of critical thinking, I had to start asking questions;

1. If the government would go so far as to stage a false flag at a movie theater, would they go even further to stage one at a school?
           My answer is yes. If their first false flag didn't sway enough public opinion for them to enact gun control with the blessings of the voters, they would try again. They would try harder. If murdering comic book movie fans wasn't enough to tug the heartstrings of the public into submission, they would have to be more diligent. They had to perpetrate a crime so heinous, that it would stir the emotions of the public in such a way to spur immediate reaction. For those of you who are new, false flag attacks are staged tragedies intended to sway public opinion over legislation a certain group wants passed.

2.Were there any similarities between this shooting and the proven false flag in Colorado?
     My answer, unfortunately, yes.
     Both shooters had mental issues, resulting in the taking of prescription drugs, The Colorado gunman had even been studying mind control drugs and programs such as MK-Ultra. The Connecticut killer was reportedly autistic(some sources say) or had a history of mental illness, depending upon which report you read. Both planned enough ahead to arm to the teeth, with both shooters carrying up to 4 guns and body armor. (I must note that there are reports stating that the Connecticut man actually left 2 of the guns in the car). Both events had initial reports of multiple suspects from eyewitnesses, but this time, the lamestream switched up real quick, not explaining their sudden change in information, but repeated the catch words "lone gunman" at an increased rate for the rest of the broadcasts I watched. Both assailants fired upon their victims as coldly as machines, as if they had been programmed to. But perhaps the most disturbing similarity, and I have not yet been able to confirm this yet, but word is going round that the Connecticut shooter's father is ALSO involved in the LIBOR scandal, just as the Colorado killer's father.

3. Can it really, in all possible outcomes or events, be just a coincidence?
     My answer. Not Bloody likely.
     The odds of both disturbed individuals taking the same path by killing random innocents, AND reports of multiple suspects, AND both their fathers' being involved in the same scandal is border-lining the ridiculous to me. Even the circumstances and actions surrounding this recent shooting are cause for questioning:
        This 20 year old clumsy,autistic young man, who never fired a gun before, dressed in camo and full body armor, drives to another state, and looking like Rambo, gets let into a locked school, where he kills 26 people with dead on accuracy, at a school his mother used to work at years ago, who, by the way he had already killed with her own gun, then he takes his own life. If that doesn't want to make you ask questions, I don't know what will.
     Just now confirmed, the Connecticut shooter's father WAS involved with the LIBOR scandal, as he IS the Tax Director for General Electric.
     Now you should all know just how low our government will sink to make us want their total control over our lives. -----------------------------------The Mouth--Host Last Voice For Liberty Network

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