Sunday, January 27, 2013

Like Lambs to the Slaughter

     On Friday, January 25, 2013, a federal appeals court overturned Barack Obama's controversial recess appointments from last year, ruling that he abused his powers and acted when the Senate was not actually in recess.
     A three-judge panel handed down their ruling that the appointments the president made to the National Labor Relations Board were in fact, illegal, and the five person board did not have a quorum to operate.
     The ruling has an even broader constitutional significance, as the court ruled that the appointments were made as "intra-session" appointments, aka made while congress had left town for a few days or weeks.They said the president made a critical error when he said he could claim the power to determine when he can make appointments.
     The judges made a statement, saying, "Allowing the president to define the scope of his own appointments power would eviscerate the Constitution's separation of powers." The president's recess powers only apply after congress has adjourned permanently, which in modern times usually only means at the end of the year. The court also included in it's ruling that the only vacancies the president can use his powers on are ones that arise when the Senate is in one of those end-of-session breaks.

     Even in the light of this important ruling, there are still those out there who side with Obama. When I posted this to our page it was met with comments like, "BS", and "teabagger BS", and the one that absolutely blew my mind, "They're really grasping". This is pure proof, that there are still those in our society that blindly follow this president, claiming factual stories to be "BS", and calling everyone who doesn't agree with Obama a "teabagger". This article even included the White House response from Jay Carney, the White House Press secretary, who's job it is too make the president look good, and yet they still claim it to be BS.
     It's BS, even though Jay Carney made a statement about the ruling? It's grasping to site an unconstitutional overreach of power? Does this president have people so blinded that you cannot even admit he violated the Constitution, even when a Federal court rules that he did? I suppose they don't think Bush and Clinton were war criminals, either right?
     When is it going to be enough? At which "elected" dictator are we going to draw the line, and make our government abide by the constitution they swear to uphold? Carney's excuse is entirely invalid. The old "they did it, so why can't we?" excuse is childish at best. If we do not hold these men accountable for their actions, we condone their actions in the name of the American people. Whether it's Obama now or some other tyrant down the road, at some point, the realization that our government has turned against us will have to sink in. How many more Bushes should we make president before we stop them? How many more wars must we allow them involve us in before we wake up and realize-- they are playing us. Dividing us with Dem. vrs. Rep., gay vrs. straight, black vrs. white and so on, they keep folks like these entranced with what, I cannot fathom, while the old right wingers keep themselves convinced all liberals are evil, and it just keeps going?      
     Don't all of us as Americans want peace? Don't all of us as Americans want prosperity? Ask yourself if the "hatred" you have for those with opposing views, is a valid and personal dislike for them, a festering wound of hurt and anger that makes you feel as if their continued existence is a mortal threat to yours, or is it what you have been told? Is it the picture painted of those people by outside forces that makes you despise them so? Is it the TV, radio, internet, or newspaper that gives you this anger? I know what it is not. Communication. Actually sitting down and discussing and debating issues will almost always lead to an amicable solution for all parties. There is no difference between the parties anymore. They are only concerned with retaining their power. They don't care about you, me, or anyone but themselves. Once we stop letting them tell us how we should feel about one another, and start finding solutions together, we can rid ourselves of the criminals and return our liberties to ourselves.
     To put things as plainly as possible, if you thought Bill Clinton was a great president and George Bush(pick one, it's irrelevant) was a war criminal, you are one of these brainwashed people.
     If you think George Bush(again, take your pick) was a great president and Barack Obama is a war criminal, you are one of these brainwashed people.
     If you think as I do, and you know these men are ALL war criminals, treasonous to our Constitution, and to us as a country, you have just as much of a moral obligation as I do to continue to educate and enlighten our fellow Americans, until we awaken them from the nightmare they aren't even aware they're having.

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