Monday, February 18, 2013

Who Watches The Watchers?

     It was posed to me this weekend by one of my dear liberal relatives, that the police killed Chris Dorner for tax payer purposes and/or police budgets. I cannot justify how he handled his situation, taking the lives of people, but they damn sure didn't kill him for financial reasons. 
     The police shot 3 other people during their search for him, claiming that they were mistaking the people's vehicles for Dorner's truck. Innocent mistake they say. Bullshit I call. 2 of the people were shot AFTER the police found Dorner's truck burned out and abandoned. The person who was shot (due to mistaken identity) before the police found Dorner's truck, was a 5'4'' Asian woman, a far cry from Chris Dorner, a 6'+ black man. They killed him to shut him up. Notice how the media has all but completely ignored Dorner's claims against the LAPD. I know, everyone thinks I'm Mr. Conspiracy, but in the press conference the San Bernadino police had the day after Dorner was executed, their spokes person said, and I quote, "We never intended to set the cabin on fire", a soundbite that was repeated constantly by a majority of mainstream media. Not but minutes later, as he was explaining what steps they took that led up to the cabin fire, he went on to say, "We used a cold canister tear gas bomb at first, which is not incendiary, but that didn't get the results we wanted so the decision to use the "burners" was put into place. ("burners", are a pyrotechnic type tear gas bomb, that, according to this same spokesperson, "puts out quite a bit of heat"). Police radio recordings confirmed that they deployed 7 burners, shortly after which they report the fire. 
     Now, if they did not intend to set the cabin on fire, that leaves only one explanation for their actions. Plain stupidity. What possible outcome could they have possibly expected to happen when they threw 7 pyrotechnic devices into a DRY WOOD CABIN?!!?
     So they were either set to kill him, no matter what, or they were just too stupid to know what would happen when they threw fire into a tinderbox. Neither scenario is a valid excuse in my eyes, nor is it valid according to the laws of the constitution. 
     Chris Dorner's crime has become secondary now, almost obsolete if the police break the laws to get him, when a more peaceful resolution was available. The police who orchestrated and conspired to burn the cabin must be prosecuted for their crimes. Dorner cannot answer for his crimes, nor can he be confronted by his accusers, you know, the family of his victims? The forgotten group who's constitutional right to confront the man who killed their family members was taken away by the San Bernadino police department. 
     They acted so callously, and negligently, rushing to hush up the bad publicity coming from Dorner, that they did not even consider the laws of the land and the constitutional rights of EVERY citizen. Being willfully incompetent, (a.k.a, stupid) is not grounds to dismiss any charges, especially when we are talking about police here, who are supposed to be held to a higher standard. Sorry for ranting, but this has really serious NATIONAL implications, and it needs to be pointed out that these men violated Dorner's constitutional rights, with no real legal precedence to. Remember, and you can call me a nut all you want, but Chris Dorner was never formally charged with a crime. He alluded to it in his manifesto, but never admitted to it, was never brought before a judge, or ever formally charged. I am not by any means claiming his innocence, for all I know he is as guilty as sin. But our justice system does have procedures in place that police are supposed to follow. And it seems here that NONE of the "officials" in the area even attempted to do so.
     We also need to be aware of the fact that this rant here is in NO WAY an indictment against police in general. The reports of racism and corruption in the LAPD have been around longer than I've been alive. There are great police officers in this country, and of the almost half million or so Americans that comprise local law enforcement in this country, the wicked represent a very small percentage. We can obviously take into account what positions these corrupt few hold as in what policies they allow to be set, and what offenses they turn a blind eye to. 
     It just makes zero sense to not expect those who are there to uphold the laws to abide by them as well. They cannot be allowed to violate the constitutional rights of ANYONE, and if this case is allowed, and no police are prosecuted for their actions, we leave it open to happen again, at total police discretion, with practically no laws restraining them, and every law restraining the American public. In other words my friends, police state;defined. LJP

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Friday, February 15, 2013

Two Wrongs Never Make A Right

     The confused masses argue now over how they should view Chris Dorner. Should he be considered a villain, for killing 3 people, even though he was never taken to court and convicted? Should we see him as a hero, because he finally had the guts to stand up against the (well-known) corruption and racism in the LAPD? It has become quite obvious that the divisiveness over this issue may actually be the beginning of us all uniting?
     "You're fuckin' loopy," my good friend said to me when I proposed this earlier. But hear me out.
     Out of every conversation I've had, every post I've seen, the "official" story, seems to be in question. Which it should be. If this is a mass awakening, as I believe it may be, that would account for the differences in which part of the "story" should be in question. Was it really him who wrote the manifesto? Why were there two versions? Why did the police shoot other vehicles that resembled Dorner's after they found his burned up? Were the accusations Dorner made about racism and abuse in the LAPD true, or is this a case of a disgruntled former cop who lost his job and is out for revenge?
     It is my belief that a vast majority of people believe that racism exists in the LAPD. With the torrid past Los Angeles has had with racism, (Watts, Rodney King, etc.), it has been notoriously implicated in several racially motivated/biased occurrences. As much as they try to say they have eliminated the problems, they can never control what is truly in a man's mind. Police brutality, a product of unruly suspects, or stress, or pick a "psychological" disorder, is a problem in nearly every major city. Any time a police officer uses unnecessary force (a.k.a. striking a suspect after they have been handcuffed, or without physical provocation), they break the law, and violate the 8th Amendment (see below).
     So where does that leave us? What point is to be taken away from this?
     IF Chris Dorner killed those three people, (remember, never proven in a court of law), the 6th Amendment to the Constitution, guarantees him the right to a speedy and public trial (see below). Not only that, the 5th Amendment guarantees him not to be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law (see below). That means, if the members of the LAPD took the oath to uphold and defend the Constitution, it was their duty to bring Dorner in to stand trial, and face the crimes for which he was accused in a court of law.
     As they had him trapped and surrounded in a cabin, a firefight ensued, resulting in two more officers being shot. Dorner was obviously not going to be taken peacefully, if at all. He was piling up the trouble he was already in, and he was laying it on thick. After hours of a standoff, San Bernadino police officials ordered the cabin to be burned, with Dorner inside. Justice for a cop killer, according to other cops, and supporters of law enforcement. But was justice really served?
     We have to look at this very logically, in order to draw the correct conclusion to this infamous event.
Chris Dorner, ACCUSED cop killer, has been discovered and surrounded by police. 2 officers are shot in the initial moments of the ensuing firefight. After a perimeter is established by authorities, they are 90% in control. Officers have been stationed in safe and effective positions to respond to the ever evolving situation. Several more gunfire exchanges continue off and on over the next couple of hours, with tensions obviously building on both sides. The only thing the police are not in control of, is Dorner himself. They control the perimeter, the ability of Dorner to get fresh supplies, his ammunition supply, (there was no hidden gun/ammo store under the cabin), the inevitable outcome would be one of only a few possibilities. Dorner would a) use all his ammo trying to keep police at bay, making a non lethal apprehension possible, b), starve or dehydrate to death without fresh supplies, or c), take his own life.
     They obviously had not thought of this.
     Or never intended to in the first place.
     The decision to purposefully burn the cabin down, with Dorner inside, was not only a rash, emotionally charged decision, it was in fact, criminal.
     Or, it would be if you or I did it.
     You see, by violating Mr. Dorner's 5th, 6th, and 8th amendment rights, the police violated their oaths they took to uphold them. Therefore, their actions would have set a "live" Chris Dorner free. If the same actions were committed by regular citizens, it would be called murder. When the order came across the radio to "send in the burners," it was accompanied by the words, "like we talked about before," meaning the idea to burn down the cabin was pre-determined. That phrase means that the officials in charge of the situation conspired beforehand to include a strategy that called for burning down the cabin if they found him in one.
The irresponsible handling of the entire situation by the police departments involved IS criminal. All officers involved should be brought up on charges of murder and conspiracy to commit murder. They violated their constraints as "public servants", and violated the Constitutional rights of an American citizen. Guilty or not, Chris Dorner still has the god given rights as outlined in the Bill of Rights.
     If we as a country take anything away from this situation it MUST be this; We cannot allow this crime of murder to punish murder to stand without consequences. They will claim it is legal via the NDAA, and that is where we must make our stand. Two wrongs do not make a right, and if we do not enforce the constitution when "officials" violate it, it only leaves it open for them to violate it more, taking each step even further in the advancement of the police state.
     This is not a country where "an eye for an eye" is the law. We have due process laws to protect the truly innocent, those who are not guilty of a crime, unjustly accused, and facing undue punishment. The second we don't apply the laws equally, we secede our rights little by little as well. We cannot be selective on who we enforce the law against. We cannot be selective on which cases we enforce the constitution in. Either we enforce the laws of the Constitution or we forsake it altogether. Either we apply the laws equally, or we do away with freedom altogether as well.

*Amendment V-- No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or Naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

*Amendment VI-- In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense

*Amendment VIII-- Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted

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Friday, February 8, 2013

Only A Pawn In Their Game

     So much has been made about the alleged tweet by former congressman Ron Paul concerning the death of former Navy sniper, Chris Kyle. People in the media, attacking Dr. Paul for his comment, "Chris Kyle's death seems to confirm that 'he who lives by the sword, dies by the sword'", and they continually "interpret" him as being disrespectful, driving a wedge right through the heart of the liberty movement. Just as we had with the Alex Jones/Piers Morgan brewhaha, it has boiled over in the public opinion courts, and all the "haters" focusing talk on how Mr. Jones acted, and not what he said, we now find ourselves repeating our mistakes with Dr. Paul's "tweet", focusing on what he said, instead of why he said it.

     The fact is, from all logical and realistic standpoints, what Ron Paul said is true. That's the thing about the truth; sometimes it hurts. Everyone keeps pissing and moaning about what he said, all the while failing to understand why he said it. Our government's foreign policy has led us down this road of tyranny and response, the latter being more accurately termed as "blowback". The idea that we can go around the globe and FORCE our ways upon the rest of the planet, claiming to be the supreme authority to police the world without any resistance from it, is to say the very least, naive. Our government's willingness to engage in preemptive war, and our willingness as a country to allow them to, casts a tyrannical shadow to the rest of the world, painting the American public to be just as evil as our government to many, or guilty of being too blinded by our own materialistic desires, and too willfully ignorant to see and stop our government's oppression. When our government sends good, patriotic young men to be their weapon of tyranny, by manufacturing a vastly encompassing enemy called "terror", telling these soldiers and the American people that our preemptive aggression is the only way to save their lives, invoking fear and anger in them to make them believe that what they are doing is right, not alluding to the obvious facts about blowback and the possibilities of it coming from their aggression.

The US government for years has lived by the principle that war makes money, and they treat it as a business. There are 2 MAJOR flaws in that line of thinking; 1) We are not AT war. War must be declared with 2/3 approval from Congress, and that has not happened since the 1940's. 2) The people who are running our government have not the slightest clue how to run a business, and the financial burden from this "war that really isn't a war" monumentally outweighs any "safety" attained by these invasions and drone bombings on sovereign countries and their citizens. In fact, it may even make us more vulnerable to blowback as a populous, as it drives further disdain toward America, coupled with the spreading of our military across the globe, making the people of our great land susceptible to violence.
     Our foreign policy crafts these Americans such as Chris Kyle, into believing their cause is just, and the common instinct as an American to be the very best at what you do, caused him to take pride in his accomplishments, again, remaining forcibly blinded to the threat of blowback, thanks to the re-education from our government. He, indeed, was living by the sword, acting as the force of the American government, brainwashed by globalists who have one agenda on their mind, and that is a one world government. Ron Paul's comment says, in plain English for those who are having trouble, Our foreign policy killed Chris Kyle.
       It is on this rare occasion, I actually disagree with Dr, Paul. I believe Mr. Kyle was murdered by DHS, as a two-pronged attack against the tea party and the liberty movement. Silencing Chris Kyle, his pro-second amendment stance, at a gun range, serves as a "convenient", not convincing, argument for anti-gun zealots. Second, knowing what type of "posterboy", for lack of a better term, he is to members of both the tea party and liberty movements, and the controversy with which his opinions and actions have been met with in the past, will serve the government by dividing us as a people even further.
     We are all pawns in the game, and Chris Kyle is no exception. It would serve everybody well to do 2 things:
     1). Remember that in chess, the pawns are used as disposable heroes, wasted at a moments notice to ensure the survival of the powers that be.
     2). They would kill us all, if the survival of one of us meant that they would lose one ounce of their power.
     Don't think for one second they wouldn't do it a little bit at a time, either.
     We must start looking at the real root causes of these problems we face as a nation, the consequences of allowing our government to do as it pleases, the consequences of our lack of involvement in holding our "elected" officials to their oaths, and our blatant disregard for enforcing the rules that bind the government as laid out in the Constitution. Arguing amongst ourselves, and getting all worked up over Ron Paul simply stating the truth, distracts us from what is really important, what Chris Kyle and our other soldiers really believe in, the utmost manifestation of love and respect for America, which is today, as it always has been; Resistance of Tyranny.