Friday, February 8, 2013

Only A Pawn In Their Game

     So much has been made about the alleged tweet by former congressman Ron Paul concerning the death of former Navy sniper, Chris Kyle. People in the media, attacking Dr. Paul for his comment, "Chris Kyle's death seems to confirm that 'he who lives by the sword, dies by the sword'", and they continually "interpret" him as being disrespectful, driving a wedge right through the heart of the liberty movement. Just as we had with the Alex Jones/Piers Morgan brewhaha, it has boiled over in the public opinion courts, and all the "haters" focusing talk on how Mr. Jones acted, and not what he said, we now find ourselves repeating our mistakes with Dr. Paul's "tweet", focusing on what he said, instead of why he said it.

     The fact is, from all logical and realistic standpoints, what Ron Paul said is true. That's the thing about the truth; sometimes it hurts. Everyone keeps pissing and moaning about what he said, all the while failing to understand why he said it. Our government's foreign policy has led us down this road of tyranny and response, the latter being more accurately termed as "blowback". The idea that we can go around the globe and FORCE our ways upon the rest of the planet, claiming to be the supreme authority to police the world without any resistance from it, is to say the very least, naive. Our government's willingness to engage in preemptive war, and our willingness as a country to allow them to, casts a tyrannical shadow to the rest of the world, painting the American public to be just as evil as our government to many, or guilty of being too blinded by our own materialistic desires, and too willfully ignorant to see and stop our government's oppression. When our government sends good, patriotic young men to be their weapon of tyranny, by manufacturing a vastly encompassing enemy called "terror", telling these soldiers and the American people that our preemptive aggression is the only way to save their lives, invoking fear and anger in them to make them believe that what they are doing is right, not alluding to the obvious facts about blowback and the possibilities of it coming from their aggression.

The US government for years has lived by the principle that war makes money, and they treat it as a business. There are 2 MAJOR flaws in that line of thinking; 1) We are not AT war. War must be declared with 2/3 approval from Congress, and that has not happened since the 1940's. 2) The people who are running our government have not the slightest clue how to run a business, and the financial burden from this "war that really isn't a war" monumentally outweighs any "safety" attained by these invasions and drone bombings on sovereign countries and their citizens. In fact, it may even make us more vulnerable to blowback as a populous, as it drives further disdain toward America, coupled with the spreading of our military across the globe, making the people of our great land susceptible to violence.
     Our foreign policy crafts these Americans such as Chris Kyle, into believing their cause is just, and the common instinct as an American to be the very best at what you do, caused him to take pride in his accomplishments, again, remaining forcibly blinded to the threat of blowback, thanks to the re-education from our government. He, indeed, was living by the sword, acting as the force of the American government, brainwashed by globalists who have one agenda on their mind, and that is a one world government. Ron Paul's comment says, in plain English for those who are having trouble, Our foreign policy killed Chris Kyle.
       It is on this rare occasion, I actually disagree with Dr, Paul. I believe Mr. Kyle was murdered by DHS, as a two-pronged attack against the tea party and the liberty movement. Silencing Chris Kyle, his pro-second amendment stance, at a gun range, serves as a "convenient", not convincing, argument for anti-gun zealots. Second, knowing what type of "posterboy", for lack of a better term, he is to members of both the tea party and liberty movements, and the controversy with which his opinions and actions have been met with in the past, will serve the government by dividing us as a people even further.
     We are all pawns in the game, and Chris Kyle is no exception. It would serve everybody well to do 2 things:
     1). Remember that in chess, the pawns are used as disposable heroes, wasted at a moments notice to ensure the survival of the powers that be.
     2). They would kill us all, if the survival of one of us meant that they would lose one ounce of their power.
     Don't think for one second they wouldn't do it a little bit at a time, either.
     We must start looking at the real root causes of these problems we face as a nation, the consequences of allowing our government to do as it pleases, the consequences of our lack of involvement in holding our "elected" officials to their oaths, and our blatant disregard for enforcing the rules that bind the government as laid out in the Constitution. Arguing amongst ourselves, and getting all worked up over Ron Paul simply stating the truth, distracts us from what is really important, what Chris Kyle and our other soldiers really believe in, the utmost manifestation of love and respect for America, which is today, as it always has been; Resistance of Tyranny.