Tuesday, January 15, 2013

When The Man Comes Around

     Finally, we have law enforcement officials that understand what an oath is. I bring glad tidings to everyone today, even my liberal sheeple, you silly little brainwashed folk that you are, this means that we are not to be totally alone in our struggle against tyranny.
     Whether you are republican, democrat, libertarian, socialist, communist, what-have-you-ist, the fight for liberty is for you. The principles and benefits of liberty are meant for everyone to enjoy. The rights layed out in the constitution by our fore fathers mean something, they aren't just hurdles for government to finagle their way around, they are there for our protection. Protection from tyranny. The second amendment, which has drawn an incredible amount of heat in recent weeks following the Sandy Hoax, is one of the primary means of our defense from tyranny, especially from our government. And I am not the only one to feel this way. Some county sheriffs are voicing that they are of the same opinion.
     When police officers are sworn in they take the same oath our elected officials in Washington, "to defend and  protect the Constitution". The police motto every where is to "Serve and Protect". There are some, who that oath means nothing, just "going through the motions" to get the job, or secure the power for their political affiliations. Then, there are the real good guys.
     At least two county sheriffs have come forward and publicly exercised their power to refuse to allow unconstitutional laws to be enforced in their jurisdiction. Kentucky sheriff Danny Peyman in Jackson County, and Linn County sheriff Tim Mueller form Oregon have come out to stand against tyranny on the side of the people.


     These gentlemen still know what it means to take and honor an oath. These men still know what "to serve and protect" really means. If more county sheriffs realize their authority to not enforce unjust laws issued by the state or federal government, it strengthens the cause of liberty, giving us a powerful ally in our struggle.
     I would like to call for everyone everywhere to get in touch with your county sheriff, and find out if he/she is prepared to honor their oath when it comes to the government trying to trample our rights. These men/women get voted in as well, and if they are unprepared to serve and protect the people, the people will find someone who is.

Picture from A Sheep No More



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