Censorship was a big issue during my teenage years, with Tipper Gore and the PMRC attacking musicians, much like the anti-gun folk are attacking guns now. They use these flimsy,(if not manufactured),excuses to "protect the children", blaming everything except the person who pulled the trigger. They claim that they need to protect the children from harmful words, or images, and as the internet grew, that need, they claim, had become more evident.
I, as a father, agree that children have no business looking at certain images, hearing certain talk or words, or even reading certain material. But this needs to be explained and emphasized -- It is a parent's responsibility to monitor what their kids do. (i.e... watch your damn kids). Once you cry out to government, "I am too lazy/busy/uninterested/un-involved to parent my own offspring", they will go to the greatest of lengths to oblige you. Especially to the point when they are parenting you.
The government will not stop in their vicious pursuit to "protect the children", they will label,censor, restrict sales and make you foot the bill. Ask the music industry. Ask Major League Baseball. In only a matter of short time, they will decide what is right for everyone to hear, read, see, and yes, think.
One of the main objectives of censorship, as I said before, is to silence those who may inform or influence a group or groups of people to end a ruling class's power. This form of division keeps those in power powerful, and those below in servitude. If the people cannot talk to each other, they cannot organize against the powers that be. This tyrannical form of censorship has hit the world's biggest social network.
The "Thought Police" have arrived on Facebook.
In recent days, our attempts to "share" our blogs and pod casts with our fans across Facebook, have been met with these:
We post links to our shows and blogs in 47 different political discussion groups in our well promoted attempt to unify the people of our nation, and educate them on the tyranny that is consuming our country. Since this is a grassroots organization of the purest form, we do not have the revenue to "promote" the way they think we should, (another little gift they introduced in 2012, charging you to let more people see your posts). Therefore, we had to do things the old fashioned way-- copy&paste, click, click,etc... and in just about 6 months we have gained over 2,000 fans, and our numbers keep going up. The ease of being able to utilize the "share" button to "share" our content made it possible for us to spend time a)with our families and b) researching the next topics.
On a very personal note, I, Lee Peer as the founder, writer, and producer of this organization, am the one who usually does all the promoting of the show and blogs. This really pisses me off. But I digress........
I subsequently wrote this response to the little Facebook graphic that resides in our status bar......
Feel free to Copy and paste this to your page/wall----
How am I feeling Facebook?
I'm not ashamed to tell ya I'm pretty pissed off about trying to share things with the different groups I belong to and getting told that I am not using the feature the way it was intended. What exactly was the "share" feature intended for? Looks? Let me assure it adds very little aesthetic value to your site. The word itself, share;
A part of a larger amount that is divided among a number of people, or to which a number of people contribute.
Have a portion of (something) with another or others: "he shared the pie with her".
How can you responsibly use the word share by itself, when clearly, according to your policy, under each post it should say--- Like-Comment--Promote-- Share with only the amount of people we say is acceptable, because we don't want you to share information with too many people that is not the intention of this feature--
A little honesty if you please,
Signed--- Every Facebook user
They have come to tell you just how many people you can communicate with. They have a legitimate worry. The government infiltration of the internet has infected this site, and they have come to parent us. They are afraid. Afraid of what a united republic can do to their tyranny. Their fear of the unknown gift we possess as the citizens of the United States, the gift of the Constitution, unknown to most citizens as to it's power and importance. That's where we come in. We take their attempts to separate us and find other ways to communicate. This action shows their fear. We are getting stronger, and they are stepping up their game. Phase two begins today. ------------Lee Peer, Founder, Last Voice For Liberty