How did it get this bad? Where did we go wrong? Will it ever be as good as it once was? Is it too late to save it? Have we already passed the point of no return? Is the time of disgrace and war finally upon us? Do we have the resolve within us to put an end to this madness? How can we dig our country out of this hole we are in?
Over the holiday break, amongst the millions of other issues I had going through my head, these questions were there constantly. Perhaps it was just my usual holiday depression, maliciously sneaking it's way into my brain, and planting the seeds of defeat in my mind.That was my first thought. Then again, perhaps it's the dooming reality that is actually befalling this once great nation. Since I am actually old enough to remember Pre-9/11 America, before the checkpoints, random searches, drones, fiscal cliffs, any of this anti-constitutional madness, to witness the land I love in the state it's in now, is, for lack of a better word, soul-crushing. Why shouldn't I be absolutely crushed that the freedoms my generation, and the generations before were entrusted to keep are being foolishly given away?
We can all discuss the origins of our demise, which political party was responsible for the start of it, which administration has been more at fault with it's implementations, who's on first, what's on second.....AAARGH!!!!!
My remaining question, the one we all must come to ask, is it too late? Too late to unite the people and remove the criminals from our political offices? Too late to bring home our troops to defend us, not run offensives in foreign lands? Too late to take the criminal banksters to task over their fleecing of the world's wealth? Too late to stand up for what is right, not what emotion dictates?
It actually crossed my mind.......
What I promised myself I would not ever think......
Am I actually making a difference?
Am I wasting my time trying to save an already fallen nation?
Was I too late to start paying attention myself?
Did I wake up too late, just like high school, only worse?
My faith in my effort was waning. Regurgitated "keywords" and "established party rhetoric" that I have been so diligently fighting against these past 20 months of my life filled the social networks, and it seemed everything a lot of us in the liberty movement struggled for in terms of educating and uniting people was becoming all for not.
That's when it kicked me in the ass. I was at my lowest, not even able to read the news as I do every day, not being able to write, produce our podcasts, even smiling was a chore.
It was at this moment rage filled my heart like the molten lava of an active volcano. I wasn't wrong about what i was doing. I'm not too late to save the country for my children. I have only just begun. I abhor wars and the killing of people, and I am trying to organize us to restore the constitutional values without the taking up of arms, a luxury I'm afraid our government is not willing to afford us. I was angry at myself for doubting what I was doing. More importantly I was motivated.
If no one was listening, I had to talk louder. If no one was paying attention, I had to talk more. The government was going to help me. And like a "Swiss fucking watch" they are obliging. How much longer can the masses remain blind to tyranny's onset? Forever? Are we destined to be the slaves of the one world government?
If we stay silent, we will. Forever.
If we keep waking people up, if we continuously press for the truth, consistently remind those of the power the constitution grants them, the government we have today will provide glaring examples at every turn how they are taking those freedoms away. More and more are going to be pushed to the liberty movement by the tyrannical actions of our elected officials, and those of us who have been at this a while need to be here for them. Unification requires two things. The willingness to work with your fellow man to achieve a specific goal; and the motivation to do so. The willingness of most all of us in the liberty movement to need to speak up and defend our rights and the rights of our fellow "sleeping" countrymen is an ideal that we will have to help others discover. The other "parties" believe in only divisional tactics, even inside their own groups. The motivation for others to come to the side of liberty will be provided by the government.
No matter what the coming year may bring, whether we can avoid civil war remains to be seen. Even if the government does exactly what we "conspiracy theorists" have been warning everyone about, and the war breaks out, liberty will never die. They cannot kill, arrest, detain, or enslave an idea. And in the words of my hero, Dr. Ron Paul, "An idea who's time has come cannot be stopped by any government or army".
Keep the faith my fellow patriots. Through our efforts, we can say goodbye to tyranny and hello to freedom. --------LJP