Dissension in the ranks... Infighting in the Liberty Movement....
My fellow patriots, as we all know, the times we live in are indeed changing, in drastic, and often frightening ways. It is common place among the listeners of this show, and this station, that something big, and scary is on the horizon, and the future of liberty and freedom walks upon the edge of extinction, with the militarization of our police, the unconstitutional spying and monitoring of Americans, drones, RFID, and the ever-to-blame intangible enemy of enemies, TERRORISM, we in the liberty movement feel a NEED to get as much information out to our fellow Americans as we can, some of us dedicating hours upon hours of research to discovering the truths mainstream media will not report. Yet we seem to be at each other's throats more than uniting in our initial and common purpose.
We have come to turn on each other, in one form or another, viciously, selfishly, and brutally. Their programming is winning. Their division tactics are standing true. The dis-info agents are running amok, the trash talk is at an all-time high, everyone arguing over which sources are "satire" and which aren't, instead of arguing the facts of the topics inferred. Focusing more on how we are different has been a tool used by the governments of the world to keep populous' from uniting. For a divided people can be more easily ruled than a united people. The ironic thing is... we all know that. United we stand, divided we fall.... yet everyday we see the same petty BS.-- How about some examples....
First off.. dis-info is EVERYWHERE. It is a very daunting task to hunt down truth nowadays, given that 90% of stories posted, or articles written are either biased, satirical, or flat out lies. And one's first instinct when you get results from websites that fit those categories is to not trust or even look at those sites or authors again. There is mistake number one. Shutting off information, even if it's a known hoax, lie, whatever, is the wrong move. Because you are not the only one to see it, and just because you won't believe them, doesn't mean someone else won't. The recent power grid shutdown drills, for example--- Shown to be a misunderstood NY times article, a rash of posts about the looming possibility of the government shutting down power grids hit the social networking sites, and the comments on them were that of fear and uncertainty. Or the Benghazi situation brought to you by the criminals in Washington dc, whereas they tried to cover up arming known terrorists by saying four Americans were killed for a stupid bullshit YouTube video. To the alleged woman-beating piece of shit Pete Santilli, who was contracted by federal agents to infiltrate the movement itself, incite and stage violent protests, tricking patriots into donating hard earned cash in a dying economy only to fleece them out of it, and ruin the opportunity to send a REAL message to DC.
who do we really have to blame for this? The government? The banks? Fluoride? All of the Above?
Maybe we are shifting the blame from where it really should be..... ourselves.
Maybe, and just maybe, in this automatic existence we have carved out for ourselves, our microwave dinners, high-speed internet, instant this and instant that, we have forgotten the importance of personal responsibility in ALL aspects of our lives. Sure, we take personal responsibility for cleaning ourselves, feeding ourselves(well, most of us do), working to put food on the table, etc... but what responsibility are we taking in fighting disinfo? There are certain techniques being employed, and I'll share a couple with you...
The most commonly used technique is the dismissive tech.-- instantly saying its untrue, or satire, without backing up your claim, or addressing why its untrue other than saying it's "satire". This has been an establishment favorite for decades, as shown in the two most thrown around words when it comes to dissension against the government, "conspiracy theory". First coined by Nixon in the 70's, (how ironic is that?), this is the most misused term in the English language by far, and further evidence as to how deep rooted our mistrust has become. Anyone who questions the official story is a "conspiracy theorist" and automatically put on the pay-no-mind list by a lot of people, thus playing right into the establishment's divisive ploy..... yet users of this tactic, shun their personal responsibility in favor of self importance, and laziness, instead of explanations and reasoning. This more often than not leads to the next technique used when confronting disinfo,
The second most commonly used technique we seem to be employing is the anger technique, or as I like to call it, the Big Boy Complex tactic. Some of us, instantly jump to rage mode and spew off with the most vile and contemptible insults we can muster, even if not provoked, using our first amendment rights to speak our minds in poor fashion, either unaware or uncaring about how we are portraying ourselves or the movement. The focus of this movement is unification. Not everyone is gonna be attracted to cursing, and anger. But most will be attracted to civil discourse, and understanding. Remember my friends, we were not ALL awake all our lives. Others may just be awakening, and they may not be receptive to reading threads that have people conjuring disgusting ridiculous insults, and they go to some other disinfo site, and it hurts them and us more, or worst case, they just stop giving a shit at all. The dangers inherent in allowing our emotions to ramble off at the mouth are alone staggering, but easily avoided by a little used technique called--
My favorite, and in my opinion the most well serving technique with dealing with disinfo is personal responsibility. We keep taking for granted in this gimme-gimme-now world, the responsibility we have to DO OUR OWN RESEARCH. In a world of mistrust, where determining fiction from reality is a constant battle in the search for truth, trust is something hard earned. But blind devotion is tantamount to suicide. If you see a topic from a supposed "satire" site, READ IT. RESEARCH IT. Take the personal responsibility to discover the truth about that topic first, before commenting or assessing it's validity. DO NOT automatically dismiss it. Once you have read it, and done the research, inform others in a civil manner. Don't just comment, "satire", or "bullshit", or start hurling accusations and insults at the person who posted it. Being uninformed is not a crime, when hiding the truth has become a known and employed tactic by our government, and the disinfo agents abound see to it. We need to get others into our movement to be effective, and venom amoungst ourselves is the key to our downfall, and the whole reason as to why there is disinfo in the first place. So please, DON'T ATTACK EACH OTHER, INFORM EACH OTHER. use a little personal responsibility in how YOU inform and enlighten others, and how we treat each other when it comes to the search for truth in this world of lies. Self governing our own actions, sets an example to be followed... what example do you want to set? The same old divisive, insulting attacks used by the very machine we are fighting against? Or the path of true unification and common sense, the path of Liberty and Freedom at their very core, bound only by our own dedication to being personally responsible for ourselves and our actions.
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Monday, February 18, 2013
Who Watches The Watchers?
It was posed to me this weekend by one of my dear liberal relatives, that the police killed Chris Dorner for tax payer purposes and/or police budgets. I cannot justify how he handled his situation, taking the lives of people, but they damn sure didn't kill him for financial reasons.
The police shot 3 other people during their search for him, claiming that they were mistaking the people's vehicles for Dorner's truck. Innocent mistake they say. Bullshit I call. 2 of the people were shot AFTER the police found Dorner's truck burned out and abandoned. The person who was shot (due to mistaken identity) before the police found Dorner's truck, was a 5'4'' Asian woman, a far cry from Chris Dorner, a 6'+ black man. They killed him to shut him up. Notice how the media has all but completely ignored Dorner's claims against the LAPD. I know, everyone thinks I'm Mr. Conspiracy, but in the press conference the San Bernadino police had the day after Dorner was executed, their spokes person said, and I quote, "We never intended to set the cabin on fire", a soundbite that was repeated constantly by a majority of mainstream media. Not but minutes later, as he was explaining what steps they took that led up to the cabin fire, he went on to say, "We used a cold canister tear gas bomb at first, which is not incendiary, but that didn't get the results we wanted so the decision to use the "burners" was put into place. ("burners", are a pyrotechnic type tear gas bomb, that, according to this same spokesperson, "puts out quite a bit of heat"). Police radio recordings confirmed that they deployed 7 burners, shortly after which they report the fire.
Now, if they did not intend to set the cabin on fire, that leaves only one explanation for their actions. Plain stupidity. What possible outcome could they have possibly expected to happen when they threw 7 pyrotechnic devices into a DRY WOOD CABIN?!!?
So they were either set to kill him, no matter what, or they were just too stupid to know what would happen when they threw fire into a tinderbox. Neither scenario is a valid excuse in my eyes, nor is it valid according to the laws of the constitution.
Chris Dorner's crime has become secondary now, almost obsolete if the police break the laws to get him, when a more peaceful resolution was available. The police who orchestrated and conspired to burn the cabin must be prosecuted for their crimes. Dorner cannot answer for his crimes, nor can he be confronted by his accusers, you know, the family of his victims? The forgotten group who's constitutional right to confront the man who killed their family members was taken away by the San Bernadino police department.
They acted so callously, and negligently, rushing to hush up the bad publicity coming from Dorner, that they did not even consider the laws of the land and the constitutional rights of EVERY citizen. Being willfully incompetent, (a.k.a, stupid) is not grounds to dismiss any charges, especially when we are talking about police here, who are supposed to be held to a higher standard. Sorry for ranting, but this has really serious NATIONAL implications, and it needs to be pointed out that these men violated Dorner's constitutional rights, with no real legal precedence to. Remember, and you can call me a nut all you want, but Chris Dorner was never formally charged with a crime. He alluded to it in his manifesto, but never admitted to it, was never brought before a judge, or ever formally charged. I am not by any means claiming his innocence, for all I know he is as guilty as sin. But our justice system does have procedures in place that police are supposed to follow. And it seems here that NONE of the "officials" in the area even attempted to do so.
We also need to be aware of the fact that this rant here is in NO WAY an indictment against police in general. The reports of racism and corruption in the LAPD have been around longer than I've been alive. There are great police officers in this country, and of the almost half million or so Americans that comprise local law enforcement in this country, the wicked represent a very small percentage. We can obviously take into account what positions these corrupt few hold as in what policies they allow to be set, and what offenses they turn a blind eye to.
It just makes zero sense to not expect those who are there to uphold the laws to abide by them as well. They cannot be allowed to violate the constitutional rights of ANYONE, and if this case is allowed, and no police are prosecuted for their actions, we leave it open to happen again, at total police discretion, with practically no laws restraining them, and every law restraining the American public. In other words my friends, police state;defined. LJP
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Friday, February 15, 2013
Two Wrongs Never Make A Right
The confused masses argue now over how they should view Chris Dorner. Should he be considered a villain, for killing 3 people, even though he was never taken to court and convicted? Should we see him as a hero, because he finally had the guts to stand up against the (well-known) corruption and racism in the LAPD? It has become quite obvious that the divisiveness over this issue may actually be the beginning of us all uniting?
"You're fuckin' loopy," my good friend said to me when I proposed this earlier. But hear me out.
Out of every conversation I've had, every post I've seen, the "official" story, seems to be in question. Which it should be. If this is a mass awakening, as I believe it may be, that would account for the differences in which part of the "story" should be in question. Was it really him who wrote the manifesto? Why were there two versions? Why did the police shoot other vehicles that resembled Dorner's after they found his burned up? Were the accusations Dorner made about racism and abuse in the LAPD true, or is this a case of a disgruntled former cop who lost his job and is out for revenge?
It is my belief that a vast majority of people believe that racism exists in the LAPD. With the torrid past Los Angeles has had with racism, (Watts, Rodney King, etc.), it has been notoriously implicated in several racially motivated/biased occurrences. As much as they try to say they have eliminated the problems, they can never control what is truly in a man's mind. Police brutality, a product of unruly suspects, or stress, or pick a "psychological" disorder, is a problem in nearly every major city. Any time a police officer uses unnecessary force (a.k.a. striking a suspect after they have been handcuffed, or without physical provocation), they break the law, and violate the 8th Amendment (see below).
So where does that leave us? What point is to be taken away from this?
IF Chris Dorner killed those three people, (remember, never proven in a court of law), the 6th Amendment to the Constitution, guarantees him the right to a speedy and public trial (see below). Not only that, the 5th Amendment guarantees him not to be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law (see below). That means, if the members of the LAPD took the oath to uphold and defend the Constitution, it was their duty to bring Dorner in to stand trial, and face the crimes for which he was accused in a court of law.
As they had him trapped and surrounded in a cabin, a firefight ensued, resulting in two more officers being shot. Dorner was obviously not going to be taken peacefully, if at all. He was piling up the trouble he was already in, and he was laying it on thick. After hours of a standoff, San Bernadino police officials ordered the cabin to be burned, with Dorner inside. Justice for a cop killer, according to other cops, and supporters of law enforcement. But was justice really served?
We have to look at this very logically, in order to draw the correct conclusion to this infamous event.
Chris Dorner, ACCUSED cop killer, has been discovered and surrounded by police. 2 officers are shot in the initial moments of the ensuing firefight. After a perimeter is established by authorities, they are 90% in control. Officers have been stationed in safe and effective positions to respond to the ever evolving situation. Several more gunfire exchanges continue off and on over the next couple of hours, with tensions obviously building on both sides. The only thing the police are not in control of, is Dorner himself. They control the perimeter, the ability of Dorner to get fresh supplies, his ammunition supply, (there was no hidden gun/ammo store under the cabin), the inevitable outcome would be one of only a few possibilities. Dorner would a) use all his ammo trying to keep police at bay, making a non lethal apprehension possible, b), starve or dehydrate to death without fresh supplies, or c), take his own life.
They obviously had not thought of this.
Or never intended to in the first place.
The decision to purposefully burn the cabin down, with Dorner inside, was not only a rash, emotionally charged decision, it was in fact, criminal.
Or, it would be if you or I did it.
You see, by violating Mr. Dorner's 5th, 6th, and 8th amendment rights, the police violated their oaths they took to uphold them. Therefore, their actions would have set a "live" Chris Dorner free. If the same actions were committed by regular citizens, it would be called murder. When the order came across the radio to "send in the burners," it was accompanied by the words, "like we talked about before," meaning the idea to burn down the cabin was pre-determined. That phrase means that the officials in charge of the situation conspired beforehand to include a strategy that called for burning down the cabin if they found him in one.
The irresponsible handling of the entire situation by the police departments involved IS criminal. All officers involved should be brought up on charges of murder and conspiracy to commit murder. They violated their constraints as "public servants", and violated the Constitutional rights of an American citizen. Guilty or not, Chris Dorner still has the god given rights as outlined in the Bill of Rights.
If we as a country take anything away from this situation it MUST be this; We cannot allow this crime of murder to punish murder to stand without consequences. They will claim it is legal via the NDAA, and that is where we must make our stand. Two wrongs do not make a right, and if we do not enforce the constitution when "officials" violate it, it only leaves it open for them to violate it more, taking each step even further in the advancement of the police state.
This is not a country where "an eye for an eye" is the law. We have due process laws to protect the truly innocent, those who are not guilty of a crime, unjustly accused, and facing undue punishment. The second we don't apply the laws equally, we secede our rights little by little as well. We cannot be selective on who we enforce the law against. We cannot be selective on which cases we enforce the constitution in. Either we enforce the laws of the Constitution or we forsake it altogether. Either we apply the laws equally, or we do away with freedom altogether as well.
*Amendment V-- No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or Naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
*Amendment VI-- In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense
*Amendment VIII-- Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted
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Friday, February 8, 2013
Only A Pawn In Their Game
So much has been made about the alleged tweet by former congressman Ron Paul concerning the death of former Navy sniper, Chris Kyle. People in the media, attacking Dr. Paul for his comment, "Chris Kyle's death seems to confirm that 'he who lives by the sword, dies by the sword'", and they continually "interpret" him as being disrespectful, driving a wedge right through the heart of the liberty movement. Just as we had with the Alex Jones/Piers Morgan brewhaha, it has boiled over in the public opinion courts, and all the "haters" focusing talk on how Mr. Jones acted, and not what he said, we now find ourselves repeating our mistakes with Dr. Paul's "tweet", focusing on what he said, instead of why he said it.
The fact is, from all logical and realistic standpoints, what Ron Paul said is true. That's the thing about the truth; sometimes it hurts. Everyone keeps pissing and moaning about what he said, all the while failing to understand why he said it. Our government's foreign policy has led us down this road of tyranny and response, the latter being more accurately termed as "blowback". The idea that we can go around the globe and FORCE our ways upon the rest of the planet, claiming to be the supreme authority to police the world without any resistance from it, is to say the very least, naive. Our government's willingness to engage in preemptive war, and our willingness as a country to allow them to, casts a tyrannical shadow to the rest of the world, painting the American public to be just as evil as our government to many, or guilty of being too blinded by our own materialistic desires, and too willfully ignorant to see and stop our government's oppression. When our government sends good, patriotic young men to be their weapon of tyranny, by manufacturing a vastly encompassing enemy called "terror", telling these soldiers and the American people that our preemptive aggression is the only way to save their lives, invoking fear and anger in them to make them believe that what they are doing is right, not alluding to the obvious facts about blowback and the possibilities of it coming from their aggression.
The US government for years has lived by the principle that war makes money, and they treat it as a business. There are 2 MAJOR flaws in that line of thinking; 1) We are not AT war. War must be declared with 2/3 approval from Congress, and that has not happened since the 1940's. 2) The people who are running our government have not the slightest clue how to run a business, and the financial burden from this "war that really isn't a war" monumentally outweighs any "safety" attained by these invasions and drone bombings on sovereign countries and their citizens. In fact, it may even make us more vulnerable to blowback as a populous, as it drives further disdain toward America, coupled with the spreading of our military across the globe, making the people of our great land susceptible to violence.
Our foreign policy crafts these Americans such as Chris Kyle, into believing their cause is just, and the common instinct as an American to be the very best at what you do, caused him to take pride in his accomplishments, again, remaining forcibly blinded to the threat of blowback, thanks to the re-education from our government. He, indeed, was living by the sword, acting as the force of the American government, brainwashed by globalists who have one agenda on their mind, and that is a one world government. Ron Paul's comment says, in plain English for those who are having trouble, Our foreign policy killed Chris Kyle.
It is on this rare occasion, I actually disagree with Dr, Paul. I believe Mr. Kyle was murdered by DHS, as a two-pronged attack against the tea party and the liberty movement. Silencing Chris Kyle, his pro-second amendment stance, at a gun range, serves as a "convenient", not convincing, argument for anti-gun zealots. Second, knowing what type of "posterboy", for lack of a better term, he is to members of both the tea party and liberty movements, and the controversy with which his opinions and actions have been met with in the past, will serve the government by dividing us as a people even further.
We are all pawns in the game, and Chris Kyle is no exception. It would serve everybody well to do 2 things:
1). Remember that in chess, the pawns are used as disposable heroes, wasted at a moments notice to ensure the survival of the powers that be.
2). They would kill us all, if the survival of one of us meant that they would lose one ounce of their power.
Don't think for one second they wouldn't do it a little bit at a time, either.
We must start looking at the real root causes of these problems we face as a nation, the consequences of allowing our government to do as it pleases, the consequences of our lack of involvement in holding our "elected" officials to their oaths, and our blatant disregard for enforcing the rules that bind the government as laid out in the Constitution. Arguing amongst ourselves, and getting all worked up over Ron Paul simply stating the truth, distracts us from what is really important, what Chris Kyle and our other soldiers really believe in, the utmost manifestation of love and respect for America, which is today, as it always has been; Resistance of Tyranny.
The fact is, from all logical and realistic standpoints, what Ron Paul said is true. That's the thing about the truth; sometimes it hurts. Everyone keeps pissing and moaning about what he said, all the while failing to understand why he said it. Our government's foreign policy has led us down this road of tyranny and response, the latter being more accurately termed as "blowback". The idea that we can go around the globe and FORCE our ways upon the rest of the planet, claiming to be the supreme authority to police the world without any resistance from it, is to say the very least, naive. Our government's willingness to engage in preemptive war, and our willingness as a country to allow them to, casts a tyrannical shadow to the rest of the world, painting the American public to be just as evil as our government to many, or guilty of being too blinded by our own materialistic desires, and too willfully ignorant to see and stop our government's oppression. When our government sends good, patriotic young men to be their weapon of tyranny, by manufacturing a vastly encompassing enemy called "terror", telling these soldiers and the American people that our preemptive aggression is the only way to save their lives, invoking fear and anger in them to make them believe that what they are doing is right, not alluding to the obvious facts about blowback and the possibilities of it coming from their aggression.
The US government for years has lived by the principle that war makes money, and they treat it as a business. There are 2 MAJOR flaws in that line of thinking; 1) We are not AT war. War must be declared with 2/3 approval from Congress, and that has not happened since the 1940's. 2) The people who are running our government have not the slightest clue how to run a business, and the financial burden from this "war that really isn't a war" monumentally outweighs any "safety" attained by these invasions and drone bombings on sovereign countries and their citizens. In fact, it may even make us more vulnerable to blowback as a populous, as it drives further disdain toward America, coupled with the spreading of our military across the globe, making the people of our great land susceptible to violence.
Our foreign policy crafts these Americans such as Chris Kyle, into believing their cause is just, and the common instinct as an American to be the very best at what you do, caused him to take pride in his accomplishments, again, remaining forcibly blinded to the threat of blowback, thanks to the re-education from our government. He, indeed, was living by the sword, acting as the force of the American government, brainwashed by globalists who have one agenda on their mind, and that is a one world government. Ron Paul's comment says, in plain English for those who are having trouble, Our foreign policy killed Chris Kyle.
It is on this rare occasion, I actually disagree with Dr, Paul. I believe Mr. Kyle was murdered by DHS, as a two-pronged attack against the tea party and the liberty movement. Silencing Chris Kyle, his pro-second amendment stance, at a gun range, serves as a "convenient", not convincing, argument for anti-gun zealots. Second, knowing what type of "posterboy", for lack of a better term, he is to members of both the tea party and liberty movements, and the controversy with which his opinions and actions have been met with in the past, will serve the government by dividing us as a people even further.
We are all pawns in the game, and Chris Kyle is no exception. It would serve everybody well to do 2 things:
1). Remember that in chess, the pawns are used as disposable heroes, wasted at a moments notice to ensure the survival of the powers that be.
2). They would kill us all, if the survival of one of us meant that they would lose one ounce of their power.
Don't think for one second they wouldn't do it a little bit at a time, either.
We must start looking at the real root causes of these problems we face as a nation, the consequences of allowing our government to do as it pleases, the consequences of our lack of involvement in holding our "elected" officials to their oaths, and our blatant disregard for enforcing the rules that bind the government as laid out in the Constitution. Arguing amongst ourselves, and getting all worked up over Ron Paul simply stating the truth, distracts us from what is really important, what Chris Kyle and our other soldiers really believe in, the utmost manifestation of love and respect for America, which is today, as it always has been; Resistance of Tyranny.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Like Lambs to the Slaughter
On Friday, January 25, 2013, a federal appeals court overturned Barack Obama's controversial recess appointments from last year, ruling that he abused his powers and acted when the Senate was not actually in recess.
A three-judge panel handed down their ruling that the appointments the president made to the National Labor Relations Board were in fact, illegal, and the five person board did not have a quorum to operate.
The ruling has an even broader constitutional significance, as the court ruled that the appointments were made as "intra-session" appointments, aka made while congress had left town for a few days or weeks.They said the president made a critical error when he said he could claim the power to determine when he can make appointments.
The judges made a statement, saying, "Allowing the president to define the scope of his own appointments power would eviscerate the Constitution's separation of powers." The president's recess powers only apply after congress has adjourned permanently, which in modern times usually only means at the end of the year. The court also included in it's ruling that the only vacancies the president can use his powers on are ones that arise when the Senate is in one of those end-of-session breaks.
Even in the light of this important ruling, there are still those out there who side with Obama. When I posted this to our page it was met with comments like, "BS", and "teabagger BS", and the one that absolutely blew my mind, "They're really grasping". This is pure proof, that there are still those in our society that blindly follow this president, claiming factual stories to be "BS", and calling everyone who doesn't agree with Obama a "teabagger". This article even included the White House response from Jay Carney, the White House Press secretary, who's job it is too make the president look good, and yet they still claim it to be BS.
It's BS, even though Jay Carney made a statement about the ruling? It's grasping to site an unconstitutional overreach of power? Does this president have people so blinded that you cannot even admit he violated the Constitution, even when a Federal court rules that he did? I suppose they don't think Bush and Clinton were war criminals, either right?
When is it going to be enough? At which "elected" dictator are we going to draw the line, and make our government abide by the constitution they swear to uphold? Carney's excuse is entirely invalid. The old "they did it, so why can't we?" excuse is childish at best. If we do not hold these men accountable for their actions, we condone their actions in the name of the American people. Whether it's Obama now or some other tyrant down the road, at some point, the realization that our government has turned against us will have to sink in. How many more Bushes should we make president before we stop them? How many more wars must we allow them involve us in before we wake up and realize-- they are playing us. Dividing us with Dem. vrs. Rep., gay vrs. straight, black vrs. white and so on, they keep folks like these entranced with what, I cannot fathom, while the old right wingers keep themselves convinced all liberals are evil, and it just keeps going?
Don't all of us as Americans want peace? Don't all of us as Americans want prosperity? Ask yourself if the "hatred" you have for those with opposing views, is a valid and personal dislike for them, a festering wound of hurt and anger that makes you feel as if their continued existence is a mortal threat to yours, or is it what you have been told? Is it the picture painted of those people by outside forces that makes you despise them so? Is it the TV, radio, internet, or newspaper that gives you this anger? I know what it is not. Communication. Actually sitting down and discussing and debating issues will almost always lead to an amicable solution for all parties. There is no difference between the parties anymore. They are only concerned with retaining their power. They don't care about you, me, or anyone but themselves. Once we stop letting them tell us how we should feel about one another, and start finding solutions together, we can rid ourselves of the criminals and return our liberties to ourselves.
To put things as plainly as possible, if you thought Bill Clinton was a great president and George Bush(pick one, it's irrelevant) was a war criminal, you are one of these brainwashed people.
If you think George Bush(again, take your pick) was a great president and Barack Obama is a war criminal, you are one of these brainwashed people.
If you think as I do, and you know these men are ALL war criminals, treasonous to our Constitution, and to us as a country, you have just as much of a moral obligation as I do to continue to educate and enlighten our fellow Americans, until we awaken them from the nightmare they aren't even aware they're having.
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A three-judge panel handed down their ruling that the appointments the president made to the National Labor Relations Board were in fact, illegal, and the five person board did not have a quorum to operate.
The ruling has an even broader constitutional significance, as the court ruled that the appointments were made as "intra-session" appointments, aka made while congress had left town for a few days or weeks.They said the president made a critical error when he said he could claim the power to determine when he can make appointments.
The judges made a statement, saying, "Allowing the president to define the scope of his own appointments power would eviscerate the Constitution's separation of powers." The president's recess powers only apply after congress has adjourned permanently, which in modern times usually only means at the end of the year. The court also included in it's ruling that the only vacancies the president can use his powers on are ones that arise when the Senate is in one of those end-of-session breaks.
Even in the light of this important ruling, there are still those out there who side with Obama. When I posted this to our page it was met with comments like, "BS", and "teabagger BS", and the one that absolutely blew my mind, "They're really grasping". This is pure proof, that there are still those in our society that blindly follow this president, claiming factual stories to be "BS", and calling everyone who doesn't agree with Obama a "teabagger". This article even included the White House response from Jay Carney, the White House Press secretary, who's job it is too make the president look good, and yet they still claim it to be BS.
It's BS, even though Jay Carney made a statement about the ruling? It's grasping to site an unconstitutional overreach of power? Does this president have people so blinded that you cannot even admit he violated the Constitution, even when a Federal court rules that he did? I suppose they don't think Bush and Clinton were war criminals, either right?
When is it going to be enough? At which "elected" dictator are we going to draw the line, and make our government abide by the constitution they swear to uphold? Carney's excuse is entirely invalid. The old "they did it, so why can't we?" excuse is childish at best. If we do not hold these men accountable for their actions, we condone their actions in the name of the American people. Whether it's Obama now or some other tyrant down the road, at some point, the realization that our government has turned against us will have to sink in. How many more Bushes should we make president before we stop them? How many more wars must we allow them involve us in before we wake up and realize-- they are playing us. Dividing us with Dem. vrs. Rep., gay vrs. straight, black vrs. white and so on, they keep folks like these entranced with what, I cannot fathom, while the old right wingers keep themselves convinced all liberals are evil, and it just keeps going?
Don't all of us as Americans want peace? Don't all of us as Americans want prosperity? Ask yourself if the "hatred" you have for those with opposing views, is a valid and personal dislike for them, a festering wound of hurt and anger that makes you feel as if their continued existence is a mortal threat to yours, or is it what you have been told? Is it the picture painted of those people by outside forces that makes you despise them so? Is it the TV, radio, internet, or newspaper that gives you this anger? I know what it is not. Communication. Actually sitting down and discussing and debating issues will almost always lead to an amicable solution for all parties. There is no difference between the parties anymore. They are only concerned with retaining their power. They don't care about you, me, or anyone but themselves. Once we stop letting them tell us how we should feel about one another, and start finding solutions together, we can rid ourselves of the criminals and return our liberties to ourselves.
To put things as plainly as possible, if you thought Bill Clinton was a great president and George Bush(pick one, it's irrelevant) was a war criminal, you are one of these brainwashed people.
If you think George Bush(again, take your pick) was a great president and Barack Obama is a war criminal, you are one of these brainwashed people.
If you think as I do, and you know these men are ALL war criminals, treasonous to our Constitution, and to us as a country, you have just as much of a moral obligation as I do to continue to educate and enlighten our fellow Americans, until we awaken them from the nightmare they aren't even aware they're having.
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Wednesday, January 23, 2013
How Many More Times...........
How many more disillusioned lies are we going to swallow? How can my fellow Americans take this seriously? Will we continue to just let the mainstream media blatantly lie to us without us calling them on it? I would have hoped that after 2+ weeks time, more folks would have looked into Piers Morgan's astonishing gun violence numbers, but yet, they continue to regurgitate them as if they are gospel.
The facts on the UK are so misconstrued it's ridiculous. Fact 1- the year in question, was in fact 2011, where that corporate stooge Piers Morgan mistakenly poisoned the public with the "34" gun deaths. The number in fact was 59, not a large number, but as I've stated before, a vast number of gun deaths go unreported. The major points most TV shows leave out is the European Union has declared the UK with the 2nd highest overall crime rate in the EU. Their violent deaths per-capita are nearly 4 times that of the US. The United States not even in the top ten in the world in violent crimes per 100,000 persons at 466. the UK is 1st with around 2,000 per 100,000. We actually rank 28th in the world in actual gun murders at 2.97 per 100,000. More Americans were shot and killed by police in 2011 than were killed by "crazy" people with guns in 2011 and 2012.
The problem in Chicago is evident. The less armed the public is, the higher the crime rate. When criminals know all they have to face is a handgun, (not as accurate shooting in the dark, smaller clips = more time taken to load, etc.), they can calculate their efforts. If the legal chance exists that the house or person they rob may have a semi, or fully automatic with a good size clip, their ability to randomly attack is significantly diminished.
"If guns were the same as they were in 1787......"
A large amount of fire arms were developed during the founding of our country, and to think that the fore fathers, with their wisdom so vast and perceptual, enough so as to establish the greatest document and testament to the experiment that is America, would not have thought that gun technology would advance beyond their time is absolutely ridiculous, and an insult to the authors of the Constitution.
The reason we have the 2nd Amendment is plain and simple. National Defense. We, the People, are the militia. The only reason we have not had a full scale invasion by a foreign military is because of our armed populous. The Commander of the Japanese forces in WW2 said the very words " in America, there is a rifle behind every blade of grass", and this remains the biggest safety net we have against actual terrorism. Our military is spread halfway across the world, involved in wars we have no business in, so how, pray tell, would they be effective to defend us when it takes them 17 hours to get home? If we are disarmed as a public, we leave our lands open to attack from abroad.
The facts on the UK are so misconstrued it's ridiculous. Fact 1- the year in question, was in fact 2011, where that corporate stooge Piers Morgan mistakenly poisoned the public with the "34" gun deaths. The number in fact was 59, not a large number, but as I've stated before, a vast number of gun deaths go unreported. The major points most TV shows leave out is the European Union has declared the UK with the 2nd highest overall crime rate in the EU. Their violent deaths per-capita are nearly 4 times that of the US. The United States not even in the top ten in the world in violent crimes per 100,000 persons at 466. the UK is 1st with around 2,000 per 100,000. We actually rank 28th in the world in actual gun murders at 2.97 per 100,000. More Americans were shot and killed by police in 2011 than were killed by "crazy" people with guns in 2011 and 2012.
The problem in Chicago is evident. The less armed the public is, the higher the crime rate. When criminals know all they have to face is a handgun, (not as accurate shooting in the dark, smaller clips = more time taken to load, etc.), they can calculate their efforts. If the legal chance exists that the house or person they rob may have a semi, or fully automatic with a good size clip, their ability to randomly attack is significantly diminished.
"If guns were the same as they were in 1787......"
A large amount of fire arms were developed during the founding of our country, and to think that the fore fathers, with their wisdom so vast and perceptual, enough so as to establish the greatest document and testament to the experiment that is America, would not have thought that gun technology would advance beyond their time is absolutely ridiculous, and an insult to the authors of the Constitution.
The reason we have the 2nd Amendment is plain and simple. National Defense. We, the People, are the militia. The only reason we have not had a full scale invasion by a foreign military is because of our armed populous. The Commander of the Japanese forces in WW2 said the very words " in America, there is a rifle behind every blade of grass", and this remains the biggest safety net we have against actual terrorism. Our military is spread halfway across the world, involved in wars we have no business in, so how, pray tell, would they be effective to defend us when it takes them 17 hours to get home? If we are disarmed as a public, we leave our lands open to attack from abroad.
Monday, January 21, 2013
Marijuana Legalization Legislation in 2013
The push for marijuana legalization in America continues on in the wake of the votes cast in Washington and Colorado this past November, as more and more states are considering legalizing or decriminalizing the plant altogether.
States such as Alabama, Illinois, Iowa, and 3 others have pending legislation for medical marijuana laws, and if passed, they would join the 18 other states in the union that have legalized cannabis for medical use. Indiana, Maine, and for the decriminalization or tax and regulation of the plant.New Hampshire have pending legislation The growing consensus among a now majority of Americans is that most laws against cannabis only add to the violence caused by it's incrimination. Let's take a look at these states to give everyone a better idea what legislation is actually being proposed.
States with pending Medical Marijuana Legislation
1. Alabama---- The Alabama Medical Marijuana Patients rights Act-- This bill would authorize the medical use of marijuana only for certain qualifying patients who have been diagnosed by a physician as having a serious medical condition-- It was pre-filed by Rep. Patricia Todd (D) on Dec. 8, 2012 and will be read and referred to the Committee on Health on Feb. 5, 2013. http://www.ammjc.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/The-Alabama-Medical-Marijuana-Patients-Rights-Act-2013.pdf
2. Illinois ---- The Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Pilot Program Act -- An Act concerning alternative treatment for serious diseases causing chronic pain and debilitating conditions, was pre-filed by Rep. Lou Lang (D) on Jan. 6, 2013; its first reading and referral to the rules committee was Jan. 9, 2013.
3. Iowa----- H.F. 22- An Act providing for the creation of a Medical Marijuana Act-- This also includes the creation of non-profit dispensaries, and providing for civil and criminal penalties and fees-- A qualifying patient who has been issued and possesses a registry identification card shall not be subject to arrest... provided the marijuana possessed by the qualifying patient is (a), not more than 2.5 ounces of usable marijuana, and (b), If the qualifying patient has not designated a primary caregiver to cultivate for the qualifying patient, does not exceed 6 marijuana plants.
4. Kansas----- An Act enacting the Cannabis Compassion and Care Act-- Providing for the legal use of cannabis for certain debilitating medical conditions; providing for the registration and functions of compassion centers; authorizing the issuance of identification cards; establishing the compassion board; provind for the administration of the act by the Department of Health and the Environment.
5. Kentucky----- Gatewood Gailbraith Medical Marijuana Memorial Act-- An Act relating to medical marijuana; to establish a comprehensive system for medical marijuana in Kentucky, including provisions for medical verification of need, persons allowed to cultivate, use, and possess the plant, organizations allowed to assist in providing medical cannabis, and regulation by the State Department for Public Health.
6. New York----- S.B.1682-2013-- legalizes the possession, manufacture, sale, administration, delivery, dispensing, and distribution of up to 8 oz. of of marijuana in connection with the medical use thereof for certified patients... permits registered to organizations to sell, administer, deliver, etc.,marijuana to certified patients, or the caregiver of a certified patient for certified medical use.
Other states with pending Cannabis legislation:
1. Indiana----- Two separate pieces of legislation are to be debated in the 2013 session that would significantly reduce penalties for marijuana possession-- State Senator Karen Tallian, (D-Portage) announced that she will reintroduce legislation to reduce penalties for the adult possession of up to 3 ounces of marijuana to a fine only; a non-criminal violation.
Separately, Sen. Brent Steele, (R-Bedford), has announced he intends to introduce legislation that would make the possession of 10 grams or less of marijuana by adults a non-criminal offense. Sen. Steele, who chairs the Senate Committee on Corrections, criminal and civil manners, told the Associated Press that he intends to include the marijuana provision in a bill that revamps the Indiana criminal code to align charges and sentencing in proportion to the offenses.
2. Maine----- Tax and Regulate-- Legislation that seeks to make Maine the third state in the country to legalize and regulate the adult use of cannabis is pending before state lawmakers. Rep. Diane Russell, (D-Portland), pre-filed legislation to be debated by lawmakers this spring. Her proposed measure would legalize the sale of as much as 2.5 ounces of marijuana per week to adults 21 and over at licensed retail locations. The law would also allow for the cultivation of the plant in private settings.
3. New Hampshire----- Legislation that seeks to significantly reduce criminal penalties for possession of marijuana is once again before state lawmakers. Rep. Kyle Tasker (R), has pre-filed legislation to amend marijuana possession penalties for up to one ounce of cannabis.
Under present law, the possession of one ounce or less of cannabis is a criminal misdemeanor and punishable by up to 1 year in jail and a $2,000 fine. This proposal seeks to make minor marijuana offenses a fine only, non-criminal infraction. Doing so would significantly reduce state prosecution costs and allow law enforcement to be more focused on other, more serious criminal offenses.
4. Rhode Island----- Legislation that seeks to make Rhode Island the third state to legalize and regulate the adult use of cannabis is up for debate this session. House Judiciary Chairperson Edith Ajello has pre-filed legislation to be debated by lawmakers this spring. States Rep. Ajello: "I want to see the criminal element out of this. I think that legalizing and taxing it just as we did with alcohol prohibition is the way to do it."
5. Texas----- Legislation that seeks to significantly reduce marijuana possession penalties is again before lawmakers in 2013. State Representative Harold Sutton (D-Houston) has pre-filed legislation. House Bill 184, to amend minor marijuana possession penalties to a fine-only, Class C misdemeanor.
If, for the sake of argument, all of these states adopt the legalization of cannabis, that would bring the total number of state in America to legalize the plant in some way, either medical or recreational to 29. Over half of the country.What recourse would the federal government take, if any? Being these laws enacted by the states technically violate federal drug laws, we must acknowledge what grounds the government thinks it has to enact a law against the use of cannabis for any reason.
There is no part of the constitution, (written on hemp paper, by the way), that state the government has the authority to outlaw marijuana. Since it was not made illegal until the 1930's, when it was discovered it could be processed into a form of plastic,( a cleaner, safer, biodegradable plastic), the DuPont Corporation, who had a monopoly on the chemical production of plastic at that time, poured hundreds of thousands of dollars into lobbying for it's outlaw. After all, a plant that grows so easily and abundantly could easily be used to create competition in the plastics industry, and the DuPont Corp. wasn't about to have that happen.
Since it is not a granted power by the Constitution to the government, we must refer to the Tenth Amendment, in the Bill Of Rights; "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." Therefore, these states are in fact, exercising their Constitutional right to decide what the laws on cannabis should be. They are letting the Federal government know exactly what their role should be in this decision, and are effectively in the process of nullifying the unjust laws against marijuana that fill our prisons with non-violent offenders at the cost to the already over-burdened taxpayer.
The time for removal of the dangerous drug war laws, especially against marijuana, has been a long time coming. Contact your state senators and representatives today, and demand they take a serious look at the benefits of ending failed drug policies against something that isn't even a damned drug to begin with. It's just a plant. A plant that has incredible medical, ecological, and manufacturing benefits, unjustly demonized to selfishly protect big business and big pharma profits. -- LJP
States such as Alabama, Illinois, Iowa, and 3 others have pending legislation for medical marijuana laws, and if passed, they would join the 18 other states in the union that have legalized cannabis for medical use. Indiana, Maine, and for the decriminalization or tax and regulation of the plant.New Hampshire have pending legislation The growing consensus among a now majority of Americans is that most laws against cannabis only add to the violence caused by it's incrimination. Let's take a look at these states to give everyone a better idea what legislation is actually being proposed.
States with pending Medical Marijuana Legislation
1. Alabama---- The Alabama Medical Marijuana Patients rights Act-- This bill would authorize the medical use of marijuana only for certain qualifying patients who have been diagnosed by a physician as having a serious medical condition-- It was pre-filed by Rep. Patricia Todd (D) on Dec. 8, 2012 and will be read and referred to the Committee on Health on Feb. 5, 2013. http://www.ammjc.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/The-Alabama-Medical-Marijuana-Patients-Rights-Act-2013.pdf
2. Illinois ---- The Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Pilot Program Act -- An Act concerning alternative treatment for serious diseases causing chronic pain and debilitating conditions, was pre-filed by Rep. Lou Lang (D) on Jan. 6, 2013; its first reading and referral to the rules committee was Jan. 9, 2013.
3. Iowa----- H.F. 22- An Act providing for the creation of a Medical Marijuana Act-- This also includes the creation of non-profit dispensaries, and providing for civil and criminal penalties and fees-- A qualifying patient who has been issued and possesses a registry identification card shall not be subject to arrest... provided the marijuana possessed by the qualifying patient is (a), not more than 2.5 ounces of usable marijuana, and (b), If the qualifying patient has not designated a primary caregiver to cultivate for the qualifying patient, does not exceed 6 marijuana plants.
4. Kansas----- An Act enacting the Cannabis Compassion and Care Act-- Providing for the legal use of cannabis for certain debilitating medical conditions; providing for the registration and functions of compassion centers; authorizing the issuance of identification cards; establishing the compassion board; provind for the administration of the act by the Department of Health and the Environment.
5. Kentucky----- Gatewood Gailbraith Medical Marijuana Memorial Act-- An Act relating to medical marijuana; to establish a comprehensive system for medical marijuana in Kentucky, including provisions for medical verification of need, persons allowed to cultivate, use, and possess the plant, organizations allowed to assist in providing medical cannabis, and regulation by the State Department for Public Health.
6. New York----- S.B.1682-2013-- legalizes the possession, manufacture, sale, administration, delivery, dispensing, and distribution of up to 8 oz. of of marijuana in connection with the medical use thereof for certified patients... permits registered to organizations to sell, administer, deliver, etc.,marijuana to certified patients, or the caregiver of a certified patient for certified medical use.
Other states with pending Cannabis legislation:
1. Indiana----- Two separate pieces of legislation are to be debated in the 2013 session that would significantly reduce penalties for marijuana possession-- State Senator Karen Tallian, (D-Portage) announced that she will reintroduce legislation to reduce penalties for the adult possession of up to 3 ounces of marijuana to a fine only; a non-criminal violation.
Separately, Sen. Brent Steele, (R-Bedford), has announced he intends to introduce legislation that would make the possession of 10 grams or less of marijuana by adults a non-criminal offense. Sen. Steele, who chairs the Senate Committee on Corrections, criminal and civil manners, told the Associated Press that he intends to include the marijuana provision in a bill that revamps the Indiana criminal code to align charges and sentencing in proportion to the offenses.
2. Maine----- Tax and Regulate-- Legislation that seeks to make Maine the third state in the country to legalize and regulate the adult use of cannabis is pending before state lawmakers. Rep. Diane Russell, (D-Portland), pre-filed legislation to be debated by lawmakers this spring. Her proposed measure would legalize the sale of as much as 2.5 ounces of marijuana per week to adults 21 and over at licensed retail locations. The law would also allow for the cultivation of the plant in private settings.
3. New Hampshire----- Legislation that seeks to significantly reduce criminal penalties for possession of marijuana is once again before state lawmakers. Rep. Kyle Tasker (R), has pre-filed legislation to amend marijuana possession penalties for up to one ounce of cannabis.
Under present law, the possession of one ounce or less of cannabis is a criminal misdemeanor and punishable by up to 1 year in jail and a $2,000 fine. This proposal seeks to make minor marijuana offenses a fine only, non-criminal infraction. Doing so would significantly reduce state prosecution costs and allow law enforcement to be more focused on other, more serious criminal offenses.
4. Rhode Island----- Legislation that seeks to make Rhode Island the third state to legalize and regulate the adult use of cannabis is up for debate this session. House Judiciary Chairperson Edith Ajello has pre-filed legislation to be debated by lawmakers this spring. States Rep. Ajello: "I want to see the criminal element out of this. I think that legalizing and taxing it just as we did with alcohol prohibition is the way to do it."
5. Texas----- Legislation that seeks to significantly reduce marijuana possession penalties is again before lawmakers in 2013. State Representative Harold Sutton (D-Houston) has pre-filed legislation. House Bill 184, to amend minor marijuana possession penalties to a fine-only, Class C misdemeanor.
If, for the sake of argument, all of these states adopt the legalization of cannabis, that would bring the total number of state in America to legalize the plant in some way, either medical or recreational to 29. Over half of the country.What recourse would the federal government take, if any? Being these laws enacted by the states technically violate federal drug laws, we must acknowledge what grounds the government thinks it has to enact a law against the use of cannabis for any reason.
There is no part of the constitution, (written on hemp paper, by the way), that state the government has the authority to outlaw marijuana. Since it was not made illegal until the 1930's, when it was discovered it could be processed into a form of plastic,( a cleaner, safer, biodegradable plastic), the DuPont Corporation, who had a monopoly on the chemical production of plastic at that time, poured hundreds of thousands of dollars into lobbying for it's outlaw. After all, a plant that grows so easily and abundantly could easily be used to create competition in the plastics industry, and the DuPont Corp. wasn't about to have that happen.
Since it is not a granted power by the Constitution to the government, we must refer to the Tenth Amendment, in the Bill Of Rights; "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." Therefore, these states are in fact, exercising their Constitutional right to decide what the laws on cannabis should be. They are letting the Federal government know exactly what their role should be in this decision, and are effectively in the process of nullifying the unjust laws against marijuana that fill our prisons with non-violent offenders at the cost to the already over-burdened taxpayer.
The time for removal of the dangerous drug war laws, especially against marijuana, has been a long time coming. Contact your state senators and representatives today, and demand they take a serious look at the benefits of ending failed drug policies against something that isn't even a damned drug to begin with. It's just a plant. A plant that has incredible medical, ecological, and manufacturing benefits, unjustly demonized to selfishly protect big business and big pharma profits. -- LJP
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Fake Girlfriends and Doped Up Cyclists Take Precedence Over The Constitution
This country truly amazes me at times. Almost to the point of disbelief. In the light of the 23 executive actions the president had the audacity to sign yesterday, as I sit and read the news, (with the TV on mute in the background), every time I look up, they are showing more pictures of this foolish Notre Dame "scandal". Is this really deserving of any coverage at all?
In a time in our nation's history when the people in the government are ignoring, disrespecting, and blatantly violating the Constitution, how in good conscience can any "journalist" even devote one second to this non-issue, is a complete mystery to me. Let's look at this like we have a half ounce of common sense for one minute;
This football player supposedly had a girlfriend who died, and that was cause for national attention, apparently. I didn't realize we as a nation were starting to pick and choose who we feel sorry for these days. How many other people had a girlfriend or loved one die in an accident that day? Where was the national tears shed for them? I wish to take nothing away from this young man's athletic ability, who he is as a person, or anything else like that. I am just wondering why he deserves the national attention of every major television network, dedicating at least 2 hours of coverage, (just since I woke up). And then there's the truth of the matter. He had no girlfriend. No one died. It was all a hoax. Why? Is it really relevant?
The mainstream media uses these "flavor of the week" stories as a distraction technique, a way to get your attention off one wretched subject to another, and this is a prime example of such. With the threat of indefinite detention from the government, the perpetual wars we are continuing across the globe, (Coming Soon: AFRICA), and the impending and almost certain economic collapse on the horizon, spending any time covering non-issue stories like this are purely meant to "calm" you down enough through confusion, (why in the world would someone of college age perpetrate such a hoax, or who would do it to them?), and distraction, to make you passively accept what criminal actions against our constitutional rights are being committed.
Even now, as I look up from writing this, the stories have now gone from the football player to the bike rider. So now, in the last hour alone, I have seen 45 minutes worth of coverage on these 2 stories. How can we expect to unify the citizens and make the necessary repairs to heal our ailing nation, when the real issues are being ignored in favor of stories that have no bearing on our national predicament? How can these "news" sources expect any of us to take them seriously, when they devote this much time distracting us from the real issues?
One can only now hope, (a grossly over used term these days), that we can counter this type of time wasting, largely inaccurate, and biased reporting with the sharing of information amongst ourselves. Even as the internet garners criticism for "false stories", (which there are a lot of), one can still find more information in one hour of internet searching as opposed to watching any TV "news" channel, all day long. Social media has allowed for the forming of groups and pages dedicated to researching and posting of actual information, and the ease of checking the facts out for one's self increases every day.
In the world of information, ignorance is a choice, and I personally find it high time for my fellow citizens and I to demand these "news" agencies cut out the sensationalist, partisan, non-issue stories, and start getting behind the American people with useful information, and not this pseudo-celebrity B.S. No war will end, no economic recovery will happen, and no tyranny will fail if we are more concerned with a girlfriend dying that didn't exist, or if some bicycle rider took dope in a race in France.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
When The Man Comes Around
Finally, we have law enforcement officials that understand what an oath is. I bring glad tidings to everyone today, even my liberal sheeple, you silly little brainwashed folk that you are, this means that we are not to be totally alone in our struggle against tyranny.
Whether you are republican, democrat, libertarian, socialist, communist, what-have-you-ist, the fight for liberty is for you. The principles and benefits of liberty are meant for everyone to enjoy. The rights layed out in the constitution by our fore fathers mean something, they aren't just hurdles for government to finagle their way around, they are there for our protection. Protection from tyranny. The second amendment, which has drawn an incredible amount of heat in recent weeks following the Sandy Hoax, is one of the primary means of our defense from tyranny, especially from our government. And I am not the only one to feel this way. Some county sheriffs are voicing that they are of the same opinion.
When police officers are sworn in they take the same oath our elected officials in Washington, "to defend and protect the Constitution". The police motto every where is to "Serve and Protect". There are some, who that oath means nothing, just "going through the motions" to get the job, or secure the power for their political affiliations. Then, there are the real good guys.
At least two county sheriffs have come forward and publicly exercised their power to refuse to allow unconstitutional laws to be enforced in their jurisdiction. Kentucky sheriff Danny Peyman in Jackson County, and Linn County sheriff Tim Mueller form Oregon have come out to stand against tyranny on the side of the people.
These gentlemen still know what it means to take and honor an oath. These men still know what "to serve and protect" really means. If more county sheriffs realize their authority to not enforce unjust laws issued by the state or federal government, it strengthens the cause of liberty, giving us a powerful ally in our struggle.
I would like to call for everyone everywhere to get in touch with your county sheriff, and find out if he/she is prepared to honor their oath when it comes to the government trying to trample our rights. These men/women get voted in as well, and if they are unprepared to serve and protect the people, the people will find someone who is.
Picture from A Sheep No More
Check us out at Alternative Journalism as well
Whether you are republican, democrat, libertarian, socialist, communist, what-have-you-ist, the fight for liberty is for you. The principles and benefits of liberty are meant for everyone to enjoy. The rights layed out in the constitution by our fore fathers mean something, they aren't just hurdles for government to finagle their way around, they are there for our protection. Protection from tyranny. The second amendment, which has drawn an incredible amount of heat in recent weeks following the Sandy Hoax, is one of the primary means of our defense from tyranny, especially from our government. And I am not the only one to feel this way. Some county sheriffs are voicing that they are of the same opinion.
When police officers are sworn in they take the same oath our elected officials in Washington, "to defend and protect the Constitution". The police motto every where is to "Serve and Protect". There are some, who that oath means nothing, just "going through the motions" to get the job, or secure the power for their political affiliations. Then, there are the real good guys.
At least two county sheriffs have come forward and publicly exercised their power to refuse to allow unconstitutional laws to be enforced in their jurisdiction. Kentucky sheriff Danny Peyman in Jackson County, and Linn County sheriff Tim Mueller form Oregon have come out to stand against tyranny on the side of the people.
These gentlemen still know what it means to take and honor an oath. These men still know what "to serve and protect" really means. If more county sheriffs realize their authority to not enforce unjust laws issued by the state or federal government, it strengthens the cause of liberty, giving us a powerful ally in our struggle.
I would like to call for everyone everywhere to get in touch with your county sheriff, and find out if he/she is prepared to honor their oath when it comes to the government trying to trample our rights. These men/women get voted in as well, and if they are unprepared to serve and protect the people, the people will find someone who is.
Picture from A Sheep No More
Check us out at Alternative Journalism as well
Friday, January 11, 2013
Shuffle in Your Gloom in the Sickroom, and Talk to Yourself as You Die
Is it too much to ask for our media and government to be truthful with us? Is it too much to ask to have our government respect the rights of the people as stated in the Constitution? Is it too much to ask to have "journalists" report all aspects of a story, not just what the government allows them to report? Is it too much to ask to be able to live free without the government dictating our actions? Is it too much to ask to have our "elected officials" to honor their oath to protect and defend the Constitution?
Is it too late to stop the wave of tyranny? Is it too late to to realize our country has been stolen? Is it too late to overcome our differences? Is it too late to unite? Is it too late to take action through legislation? Is it too late for peace? Is it too late for America?
Is it wrong to allow the stripping of rights over a single act? Is it wrong to question the "official" story? Is it wrong to question the government's intentions? Is it wrong to ignore them? Is it wrong to expect our government to abide by the Constitution? Is it wrong to allow them not to? Is it wrong to think of revolution?
Are we destined to fail? Are we in a losing battle? Are we so complacent, it just doesn't matter anymore? Are we so afraid we will give up liberty for "safety"? Are we strong enough to weather the storm? Are we capable of what must be done? Are we destined for chaos? Are we destined for war?
Is our government capable of these atrocities? Is the country really at risk of a terrorist attack? Is the spreading of our military across the globe necessary? Is the New World Order a foregone conclusion? Is our government right to take our freedoms in this way? Is this the way Liberty dies?
What is left for us to do? What more can be done to put things right? What will become of us under a tyrannical system? What good is safety at the sacrifice of liberty? What chance do we have to avoid a civil war? What will be left for our children? What will we be able to do when they kick in our doors? What will we do when they kill our friends and family? What would our forefathers have done? What will you do?
Will you stand against tyranny? Will you stand for your fellow citizen? Will you fight when they force it? Will you defend what is right? Will you fight for liberty? Will you let them have their way? Will you let them take your property? Will you let them imprison you? Will you let them kill your fellow Americans? Will you let them do away with the Constitution? Will you let them kill freedom?
Why can't we arrest them? Why can't we indefinitely detain them? Why can't we demand they pay off the debt they accumulated? Why can't we nullify their unjust laws? Why can't we fire them all? Why can't we stand up to them? Why can't we all see the writing on the walls? Why can't we be free? Why can't we revolt?
Is it too late to stop the wave of tyranny? Is it too late to to realize our country has been stolen? Is it too late to overcome our differences? Is it too late to unite? Is it too late to take action through legislation? Is it too late for peace? Is it too late for America?
Is it wrong to allow the stripping of rights over a single act? Is it wrong to question the "official" story? Is it wrong to question the government's intentions? Is it wrong to ignore them? Is it wrong to expect our government to abide by the Constitution? Is it wrong to allow them not to? Is it wrong to think of revolution?
Are we destined to fail? Are we in a losing battle? Are we so complacent, it just doesn't matter anymore? Are we so afraid we will give up liberty for "safety"? Are we strong enough to weather the storm? Are we capable of what must be done? Are we destined for chaos? Are we destined for war?
Is our government capable of these atrocities? Is the country really at risk of a terrorist attack? Is the spreading of our military across the globe necessary? Is the New World Order a foregone conclusion? Is our government right to take our freedoms in this way? Is this the way Liberty dies?
What is left for us to do? What more can be done to put things right? What will become of us under a tyrannical system? What good is safety at the sacrifice of liberty? What chance do we have to avoid a civil war? What will be left for our children? What will we be able to do when they kick in our doors? What will we do when they kill our friends and family? What would our forefathers have done? What will you do?
Will you stand against tyranny? Will you stand for your fellow citizen? Will you fight when they force it? Will you defend what is right? Will you fight for liberty? Will you let them have their way? Will you let them take your property? Will you let them imprison you? Will you let them kill your fellow Americans? Will you let them do away with the Constitution? Will you let them kill freedom?
Why can't we arrest them? Why can't we indefinitely detain them? Why can't we demand they pay off the debt they accumulated? Why can't we nullify their unjust laws? Why can't we fire them all? Why can't we stand up to them? Why can't we all see the writing on the walls? Why can't we be free? Why can't we revolt?
Thursday, January 10, 2013
For What It's Worth
You, or someone you know, may have that friend on Facebook or Twitter that posts too many "political" things and such, "disrespecting" others with their views, and (my favorite) "ranting" about politics and freedom. I would like to take time to address these concerns as I do realize that these can be somewhat annoying, but sometimes the message isn't as easy to see.
In this time of political turmoil in not just the country but the world, it becomes so easy to say 'I am sick of politics! I just don't care anymore!" and at times I'm sure we have all uttered those words. Unfortunately, that position is not what most often serves not only the country, but the individual well. 237 years ago, our forefathers came together and wrote the most important document in our nation's history, the U.S. Constitution. These wise men had the vision and forethought to put the power and destiny of this great nation in the hands of it's people, with the government only there to serve and protect the citizens. In this document, they outlined not only the rules for government and what their limitations are, but what God-given rights should be protected. What is not specifically spelled out is the responsibilities we have as citizens to continue and uphold the constitution. These responsibilities are not enforced by a law or a government, they are seeded at the root of liberty, with the individual. This document written for the people must be enforced by the people, especially since it is in place to specifically control the government. In recent years, bills such as the Patriot Act, NDAA, SOPA, Obamacare, and others blatantly intrude upon these constitutional rights. Through lobbyists, special interests, and the obvious manipulation of the media, coupled with the lack of interest from the American public have allowed these bills to prosper, and our liberties to die.
The news on television has become a tool of the government to influence and sway public opinion, whether it be towards the left like CNN and MSNBC, or to the right via Fox News. With either side claiming the evil of the others, it makes these channels reporting seem less like news and more like hokey TV dramas, intended only to strike an emotional response, not to inform. The utter frustration of knowing when someone is lying to you, is alone infuriating. Knowing someone is lying to you, while they claim to report unbiased truth, is unacceptable.
I quote Patrick Henry, from his famous speech, "Give Me Liberty, Or Give Me Death" in 1775 ; "Mr. President, it is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts." The television media has become the sirens and we are becoming the beasts. In these past few years, not only are they lying to us, they are not telling us the whole story about a majority of the issues, and the stuff they are leaving out is the stuff we really need to hear. This practice of omitting information directly contributes to the "I don't care" attitude of a good deal of the public as it pertains to politics and government.
In the age of information, ignorance is a choice. With the internet an easy and vastly accessible tool for communication, it stands to reason that simple curiosity can lead to vast waves of knowledge, knowledge that the television refuses to share with you. The simple art of asking questions always leads to finding that knowledge, and with the internet, it's as easy as a click of a button.
Have you ever found out a secret or some inside information and your first impulse is to tell your friends? This basic human instinct to tell information comes in many forms, gossip, chit-chat, etc. With the advancement and widespread use of social networking, the ease of sharing information has tripled in the last two decades. Therefore, the urge to share news or gossip has increased as well. Ask yourself, if you found out information that a close friend or relative should know, you'd tell them, right? In many cases, that's what drives the owners and friends who post these political pages. To quote Thomas Paine, from his writings, "The Age Of Reason" 1794; "You will do me the justice to remember, that I have always strenuously supported the Right of every Man to his own opinion, however different that opinion might be to mine. He who denies to another this right, makes a slave of himself to his present opinion, because he precludes himself the right of changing it." Since policies made in Washington can and do affect all Americans, many feel the more we know about the goings on in our capital, the better decisions we can make not only in voting for our elected officials, but in the laws and policies we allow them to pass.
The blatant ignoring of the constitution (which we were all taught is the law of the land, the thing that makes this country different from the rest of the world, the very thing our soldiers swear to fight and die for, that our "supposed" leaders took an oath to defend and uphold), the withholding of information, and the manipulation of opinions and emotions by the media is what prompts these posts.
Most importantly to me, I, as many of my friends and family, have children. We must think about the world that we are leaving for them, and their children, and their children's children. Maybe, and I know this is a new concept, but one human being can be genuinely concerned for the safety and well being of others.
In closing, if you don't want to read these posts, don't. If you are offended by the comments on these posts because they contradict what you have been led to believe, un-friend them. No one has the right to force you to read or believe anything you do not wish to, but they are helping your right to be informed. Maybe they do this to give you the opportunity to make up your own mind, since the government and the t.v. won't. Knowledge is power, and the power in this country is not where it should be. We should be doing all we can to save our country from bad policies and unnecessary wars, all we can to preserve our way of life and remove these oppressive chains, to free us for a prosperous future. Let's do this for the next generation, may they be wiser than us, and may we have the wisdom to allow them to be.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Divide and Conquer-- Have We Been Trained To Do It To Ourselves?
On our show, and social media sites, we strongly push the idea of unification, the coming together of the people of our great nation, to resist the oncoming tyranny. We don't require that everyone agrees on everything, that's the beauty of unification, is the differences in opinion and approach that spur on discussion and debate, spawning new and innovative solutions and ideas. On many posts, I find myself sounding almost like my mother, having to explain to people that division is not just a method of arithmetic. It is a calculated tactic, employed by governments/tyrants to prevent unification amongst the public.I am set to explain and expose some of the more prevalent ones being used against us today.
Political views--- A very large and blatantly man-made divisional tactic, the political world is one of the most corrupt, shady, and disgusting places we find ourselves being sucked into. Red and Blue states, Republicans and Democrats, left-wing, right-wing, call it what you will, this tactic is incredibly insidious. It is based on the predicated lie that they are working for our best interests. The lie that we believe everyday. The lie that says they work for us. They work for the corporation of the United States (http://www.abodia.com/2/United-States-is-a-corporation.htm), which has absolutely nothing to do with our best interests. They claim to work for bi-partisan solutions and agreements to social issues they use their tool the media to promote, (abortion, gay marriage, their self-invented "fiscal cliff") while offering little to no explanation to their nearly unanimous support for bills like NDAA, H.R. 347, the Patriot Act, Obamacare, etc. Then come election time, they go at each other like rabid dogs, slinging mud and assassinating each other's character, saying the most disparaging things their campaign staffers can come up with against one another. Why are we supposed to forget how they act during this process? Just chalk it up to them wanting to get elected, that's all. Like that's an excuse! The blatant exclusion of any attempts at third party candidacy, shows that they have NO intention of making real progress and change in Washington D.C., NO interest in listening to the public, and NO respect for the constitution as such. They keep us at each other's throats, using keywords to incite emotional responses, throwing each other under the bus with party-line rhetoric, which means absolutely nothing when actual accountability is brought in to play. Once a politician is elected to D.C., their primary goal is not to serve this great nation as so many patriots did before them, but to keep their job. Even though they receive the salary for the rest of their lives, the corporate and union entities that financed their campaigns want their interests served, and the "selected" officials pass favorable legislation in return. A known fact--a united republic will not allow corruption from it's elected officials if it is afforded the knowledge of such corruption. If we are too busy fighting over who can marry who, or worrying if our money will be worth anything the next day, we are blind to the corruption and theft of our rights.
Racism--- One of the worst, (and in many places, still current) forms of evil was and is slavery. The forcing of another to serve your will against their own is against everything liberty stands for. Even our Declaration of Independence, written before slavery was abolished, states that all men are created equal. Alas, the divisional tactic of promoting existing racism, even if that racism has to be manufactured, is a huge part of the problems we face as a nation. If we hold the lesson learned through our own country's experience with slavery near to our hearts, and let the distrust and hatred based on this painful lesson to subside, we can put an end to the government and media's promotion of it. In the eyes of Lady Liberty, your heritage, skin color, religious beliefs, are secondary to your rights as a human being. Therein lies the key word there, my friends. Human being. We all belong to the same race. The human race. I know there are those who just cannot grasp this subject, but scientifically, in all actuality, we are the same. We all have the same internal make-up, a heart that pumps blood to the rest of our body, a nervous system, a brain, (no matter how under used it is), and so on. As I said before, the beauty of unification is the differences in opinion and approach that spur on discussion and debate, spawning new and innovative solutions and ideas. How could we possibly progress as a society if we all thought, looked and acted the same?
Class warfare--- the division between those who have, and those who have not, is as old as time itself. No matter how we unite, no matter how we intervene, there will still be those who feel they should not have to earn their success, but success should be afforded to them. There can be no denying that there is discrimination in some of the aspects involved when opportunities are afforded some but not others. There can also be no denying that there are those who have wealth, not accumulated by themselves but through the hard work of their families, that have also never known what "hard times" truly are, never known having to earn a living. This is where our society has brought it's biggest folly upon itself. When we tried to intervene, and make people equal in stature, not opportunity, make it so everyone could have the flashy new electronic device of the week, money for nothing, entitling anyone to whatever desire they felt was owed to them for any matter of injustice, founded or not, we perpetuated this division. We literally kept the poor poor purposefully, just giving them enough to be able to socially compete with the accumulation of "stuff", so they didn't "feel inferior" to those who had worked for it. Keeping things like this, in this diseased matrix of crap, keeps the poor just poor enough that the rich still look down on them, it angers the middle class, who generally have to struggle and work hard for everything they get, against the rich for having so much, and the poor for the tax burden they create. The poor, stay angry at the rich, because once they get a taste of being able to afford "stuff", often times leads to the greed for more "stuff". That eventually will lead to the abuse of the system, i.e. welfare moms (people who continuously have more kids just to increase the amount of benefits they can receive. See Video).
These are but a few of the ways that not only does our government use divisional tactics against us in the interest of keeping and increasing their power, we do it to ourselves for even less. We allow outside forces to dictate how we feel about things, propaganda to sway our opinions, false flags to trigger our emotions, guilt to keep us divided. Only a UNITED REPUBLIC is capable of carrying the distinction of being a FREE nation. A divided democracy, as with any nation divided, surely will not stand. And if we truly all want to be free, we have to agree on it, and shelter ourselves under the tree of liberty. The longer we allow the propaganda machines to tell us what we think, the farther away from freedom we stray.
Political views--- A very large and blatantly man-made divisional tactic, the political world is one of the most corrupt, shady, and disgusting places we find ourselves being sucked into. Red and Blue states, Republicans and Democrats, left-wing, right-wing, call it what you will, this tactic is incredibly insidious. It is based on the predicated lie that they are working for our best interests. The lie that we believe everyday. The lie that says they work for us. They work for the corporation of the United States (http://www.abodia.com/2/United-States-is-a-corporation.htm), which has absolutely nothing to do with our best interests. They claim to work for bi-partisan solutions and agreements to social issues they use their tool the media to promote, (abortion, gay marriage, their self-invented "fiscal cliff") while offering little to no explanation to their nearly unanimous support for bills like NDAA, H.R. 347, the Patriot Act, Obamacare, etc. Then come election time, they go at each other like rabid dogs, slinging mud and assassinating each other's character, saying the most disparaging things their campaign staffers can come up with against one another. Why are we supposed to forget how they act during this process? Just chalk it up to them wanting to get elected, that's all. Like that's an excuse! The blatant exclusion of any attempts at third party candidacy, shows that they have NO intention of making real progress and change in Washington D.C., NO interest in listening to the public, and NO respect for the constitution as such. They keep us at each other's throats, using keywords to incite emotional responses, throwing each other under the bus with party-line rhetoric, which means absolutely nothing when actual accountability is brought in to play. Once a politician is elected to D.C., their primary goal is not to serve this great nation as so many patriots did before them, but to keep their job. Even though they receive the salary for the rest of their lives, the corporate and union entities that financed their campaigns want their interests served, and the "selected" officials pass favorable legislation in return. A known fact--a united republic will not allow corruption from it's elected officials if it is afforded the knowledge of such corruption. If we are too busy fighting over who can marry who, or worrying if our money will be worth anything the next day, we are blind to the corruption and theft of our rights.
Racism--- One of the worst, (and in many places, still current) forms of evil was and is slavery. The forcing of another to serve your will against their own is against everything liberty stands for. Even our Declaration of Independence, written before slavery was abolished, states that all men are created equal. Alas, the divisional tactic of promoting existing racism, even if that racism has to be manufactured, is a huge part of the problems we face as a nation. If we hold the lesson learned through our own country's experience with slavery near to our hearts, and let the distrust and hatred based on this painful lesson to subside, we can put an end to the government and media's promotion of it. In the eyes of Lady Liberty, your heritage, skin color, religious beliefs, are secondary to your rights as a human being. Therein lies the key word there, my friends. Human being. We all belong to the same race. The human race. I know there are those who just cannot grasp this subject, but scientifically, in all actuality, we are the same. We all have the same internal make-up, a heart that pumps blood to the rest of our body, a nervous system, a brain, (no matter how under used it is), and so on. As I said before, the beauty of unification is the differences in opinion and approach that spur on discussion and debate, spawning new and innovative solutions and ideas. How could we possibly progress as a society if we all thought, looked and acted the same?
Class warfare--- the division between those who have, and those who have not, is as old as time itself. No matter how we unite, no matter how we intervene, there will still be those who feel they should not have to earn their success, but success should be afforded to them. There can be no denying that there is discrimination in some of the aspects involved when opportunities are afforded some but not others. There can also be no denying that there are those who have wealth, not accumulated by themselves but through the hard work of their families, that have also never known what "hard times" truly are, never known having to earn a living. This is where our society has brought it's biggest folly upon itself. When we tried to intervene, and make people equal in stature, not opportunity, make it so everyone could have the flashy new electronic device of the week, money for nothing, entitling anyone to whatever desire they felt was owed to them for any matter of injustice, founded or not, we perpetuated this division. We literally kept the poor poor purposefully, just giving them enough to be able to socially compete with the accumulation of "stuff", so they didn't "feel inferior" to those who had worked for it. Keeping things like this, in this diseased matrix of crap, keeps the poor just poor enough that the rich still look down on them, it angers the middle class, who generally have to struggle and work hard for everything they get, against the rich for having so much, and the poor for the tax burden they create. The poor, stay angry at the rich, because once they get a taste of being able to afford "stuff", often times leads to the greed for more "stuff". That eventually will lead to the abuse of the system, i.e. welfare moms (people who continuously have more kids just to increase the amount of benefits they can receive. See Video).
These are but a few of the ways that not only does our government use divisional tactics against us in the interest of keeping and increasing their power, we do it to ourselves for even less. We allow outside forces to dictate how we feel about things, propaganda to sway our opinions, false flags to trigger our emotions, guilt to keep us divided. Only a UNITED REPUBLIC is capable of carrying the distinction of being a FREE nation. A divided democracy, as with any nation divided, surely will not stand. And if we truly all want to be free, we have to agree on it, and shelter ourselves under the tree of liberty. The longer we allow the propaganda machines to tell us what we think, the farther away from freedom we stray.
Monday, January 7, 2013
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
I need to get something out there to all my liberty-loving patriots out there that has been bothering me for quite some time now. It's going to be a little painful for a few out there to hear, but I get more and more requests to participate, and, well.............
Petitions to whitehouse.gov.
To begin here, I must point out that it is entirely in our best interests to work for the cause of liberty in a non-violent, constitutional manner, not only for safety concerns for ourselves and loved ones, but to set the example of how the constitution can protect the liberties and freedoms we all cherish so dearly. Violence and war is a last resort, when all other avenues afforded to us by the constitution have been exhausted. We have not yet, as a country, and a complete populous, begun to scratch the surface of the powers provided to us from our forefathers. Among others, the power of nullification is a lesser known power afforded to the states and the people to overturn unjust federal laws, as well as legal action can still be taken as of this time.
But I think the petitions to this website, as well meaning and noble as many of them are, are futile.
Let's look at this logically. We are petitioning the laws and actions of the same administration that is supposed to address our concerns if these petitions acquire a certain amount of signatures. And even then, there is no guarantee that the petitions will stop the legislation/actions it is against. Mr. Obama's open ended statement on the subject when it was first introduced that he would "respond" to it if it gained more than 25,000 signatures, never says anything about overturning anything. It also leaves one to wonder, if the petition is against what the president and his administration want, are we still not awake enough to think that they will see the light of day?
When the states all started petitioning for secession, Texas and others quickly garnered enough names to achieve a response, actually, they got the vig x4 in nearly a week, and I have still heard no official response from the president. Go to the website, look at the petitions that are against the administration's policies, notice how many have enough signatures to obtain a response, and then try to find when or where the president responded to these. I assure you, you will notice a pattern.
To get down to brass tacks here, and this may seem a little cold-blooded to say, but petitioning to the White House, is like complaining to your rapist for raping you. They are raping our freedoms and liberties everyday with their tyrannical legislation, and we are petitioning them? We should be prosecuting them, not petitioning.
I know a lot of you out there are saying, "But the government controls the courts, what good would litigation do?"
Expose their corruption further. Bring to light their abuse of office, their unjust and criminal ways. The fact remains that while there are many more of us awakened than ever before, we are still outnumbered. Many more must be alerted to this tyranny, and exposing the government's tactics and policies for the criminal and treasonous acts they are, is imperative to our cause. We must use the power of nullification granted to us by the 10th amendment, and get the word out about the truth behind the supremacy clause,(article II, section VI of the U.S. Constitution).
This may be the last avenues we can use to peacefully bring our country back from the brink of destruction, and the danger of the government to accelerate the violence, (a.k.a.,any type of gun-grab), is always imminent. But I believe the time of petitioning is past. No longer can we "ask" the government to not take away our liberties. They aren't listening. In fact, I think they're laughing at us.
Petitions to whitehouse.gov.
To begin here, I must point out that it is entirely in our best interests to work for the cause of liberty in a non-violent, constitutional manner, not only for safety concerns for ourselves and loved ones, but to set the example of how the constitution can protect the liberties and freedoms we all cherish so dearly. Violence and war is a last resort, when all other avenues afforded to us by the constitution have been exhausted. We have not yet, as a country, and a complete populous, begun to scratch the surface of the powers provided to us from our forefathers. Among others, the power of nullification is a lesser known power afforded to the states and the people to overturn unjust federal laws, as well as legal action can still be taken as of this time.
But I think the petitions to this website, as well meaning and noble as many of them are, are futile.
Let's look at this logically. We are petitioning the laws and actions of the same administration that is supposed to address our concerns if these petitions acquire a certain amount of signatures. And even then, there is no guarantee that the petitions will stop the legislation/actions it is against. Mr. Obama's open ended statement on the subject when it was first introduced that he would "respond" to it if it gained more than 25,000 signatures, never says anything about overturning anything. It also leaves one to wonder, if the petition is against what the president and his administration want, are we still not awake enough to think that they will see the light of day?
When the states all started petitioning for secession, Texas and others quickly garnered enough names to achieve a response, actually, they got the vig x4 in nearly a week, and I have still heard no official response from the president. Go to the website, look at the petitions that are against the administration's policies, notice how many have enough signatures to obtain a response, and then try to find when or where the president responded to these. I assure you, you will notice a pattern.
To get down to brass tacks here, and this may seem a little cold-blooded to say, but petitioning to the White House, is like complaining to your rapist for raping you. They are raping our freedoms and liberties everyday with their tyrannical legislation, and we are petitioning them? We should be prosecuting them, not petitioning.
I know a lot of you out there are saying, "But the government controls the courts, what good would litigation do?"
Expose their corruption further. Bring to light their abuse of office, their unjust and criminal ways. The fact remains that while there are many more of us awakened than ever before, we are still outnumbered. Many more must be alerted to this tyranny, and exposing the government's tactics and policies for the criminal and treasonous acts they are, is imperative to our cause. We must use the power of nullification granted to us by the 10th amendment, and get the word out about the truth behind the supremacy clause,(article II, section VI of the U.S. Constitution).
This may be the last avenues we can use to peacefully bring our country back from the brink of destruction, and the danger of the government to accelerate the violence, (a.k.a.,any type of gun-grab), is always imminent. But I believe the time of petitioning is past. No longer can we "ask" the government to not take away our liberties. They aren't listening. In fact, I think they're laughing at us.
Sunday, January 6, 2013
People ask me, "Hey Mouth, you're always screaming about the Sandy Hoax, and in reality, school shootings are a real threat, due to gun free zones. Instead of bitching all the time, why don't you offer a viable solution?" I have been brewing on it for some time, then the obvious jumped out and kicked me in the nuts.
Ban Schools, Not Guns.
That's right, I said it. Why are we sending our children to these schools? For "education" funded and approved by the government? For social experience and interaction? What is the reality of the state of education in this country? Would a child be better served being home schooled, in not only basic principles, (reading,writing, and arithmetic) but in actual real world situations? (Other than the obvious "prison training" as illustrated in the photo above?)
A majority of kids are not too fond of school (I speak from experience as a kid, and as a father of 4 of them). Maybe some of you parents out there have asked your kids the question "What did you do in school today?"
and received this response; "Nothing".
Or the great question, "How was school today?"
"Boring". Or the one I truly dread " So and so said this to someone and then there was this drama, and he called her a slut, and she called him a name, and they were mad at each other........." BLEEEECH!!!
Each of these responses can clue you in to just how the education system we have in place is achieving reaching our children. Let's take a look at what these replies are actually saying-
"Nothing"--- This is a pretty good indicator that the lessons being taught to our kids aren't even engaging and intellectually stimulating enough to merit noteworthiness during their day. The mundane repeating of the same basic knowledge is not enough to keep a child's interest in classwork, and if a child isn't interested, they usually stop participating in any of it.
"Boring"--- This is tied in with the "nothing" response, again pointing out a failure to engage and intellectually stimulate their minds. Each of my children are different in their approaches and takes on school, giving me a diverse range of effects that the system brings. My oldest daughter was a straight A student until she reached midway through junior high school. Then the "drama" of the day became more of the highlight of even going to school for her, and eventually, she dropped out. My oldest son, always struggled in school, would receive extra help and tutoring, and eventually grew to despise school out of sheer frustration. He dropped out, but has real ambitions to finish his education, just not through the current system. My youngest daughter and son are the beneficiaries of my learning with the older two. My daughter, now a high school freshman, is a very social young lady, who also finds school work boring, and often comes home to give me the "he said, she said" report. But she also gets me asking her more about projects and classes than I did with the older kids. Through that, I am able to engage and most times refute or confirm what their teachers are telling them. She often goes back to school and asks her teachers more questions that spur on classroom discussions and engages the entire class. My youngest boy, has always liked to learn. He's the one that I get the "boring" comment from the most. A 3-sport student/athlete, 4.0 grade point average, one would think he has no time to get bored. He is in accelerated classes as an 8th grader and takes classes at the high school. He gets so annoyed at how easy the work is, how the teachers won't let him do other, more advanced work, as they keep him on pace with the rest of the students, (No Child Left Behind). We often discuss things and engage in intelligent arguments, (kind of a who is smarter type game). Keeps him learning outside school as well as defining a great student at school.
As a libertarian, I am also aware of the financial drag The Department of Education presents on our infrastructure. Our taxes dump millions of dollars into an apparently ineffectual system, when kids are coming home from a "boring" day at school, and even more importantly, the established "gun-free" zones that they are, are targets for the "crazies" or the insidious to attack. Why are we funding a program that doesn't really help our kids, and in fact, statistically, puts them in harm's way?
So there you go fans, a solution to gun violence in schools. We have to look at this logically. Why should we give up our ability to protect and defend ourselves from tyranny, just to keep the machine of government funded death zones alive? Is the youth of America better served with education from the state, or education from their parents? Are we being naive to think that the education we got is what our kids are getting today?
Are we falling into the trap of mandatory government education, like the Germans in the 30's? In the age of information ignorance is a choice, and an online education package may not be to bad of an idea.
Ban Schools, Not Guns.
That's right, I said it. Why are we sending our children to these schools? For "education" funded and approved by the government? For social experience and interaction? What is the reality of the state of education in this country? Would a child be better served being home schooled, in not only basic principles, (reading,writing, and arithmetic) but in actual real world situations? (Other than the obvious "prison training" as illustrated in the photo above?)
A majority of kids are not too fond of school (I speak from experience as a kid, and as a father of 4 of them). Maybe some of you parents out there have asked your kids the question "What did you do in school today?"
and received this response; "Nothing".
Or the great question, "How was school today?"
"Boring". Or the one I truly dread " So and so said this to someone and then there was this drama, and he called her a slut, and she called him a name, and they were mad at each other........." BLEEEECH!!!
Each of these responses can clue you in to just how the education system we have in place is achieving reaching our children. Let's take a look at what these replies are actually saying-
"Nothing"--- This is a pretty good indicator that the lessons being taught to our kids aren't even engaging and intellectually stimulating enough to merit noteworthiness during their day. The mundane repeating of the same basic knowledge is not enough to keep a child's interest in classwork, and if a child isn't interested, they usually stop participating in any of it.
"Boring"--- This is tied in with the "nothing" response, again pointing out a failure to engage and intellectually stimulate their minds. Each of my children are different in their approaches and takes on school, giving me a diverse range of effects that the system brings. My oldest daughter was a straight A student until she reached midway through junior high school. Then the "drama" of the day became more of the highlight of even going to school for her, and eventually, she dropped out. My oldest son, always struggled in school, would receive extra help and tutoring, and eventually grew to despise school out of sheer frustration. He dropped out, but has real ambitions to finish his education, just not through the current system. My youngest daughter and son are the beneficiaries of my learning with the older two. My daughter, now a high school freshman, is a very social young lady, who also finds school work boring, and often comes home to give me the "he said, she said" report. But she also gets me asking her more about projects and classes than I did with the older kids. Through that, I am able to engage and most times refute or confirm what their teachers are telling them. She often goes back to school and asks her teachers more questions that spur on classroom discussions and engages the entire class. My youngest boy, has always liked to learn. He's the one that I get the "boring" comment from the most. A 3-sport student/athlete, 4.0 grade point average, one would think he has no time to get bored. He is in accelerated classes as an 8th grader and takes classes at the high school. He gets so annoyed at how easy the work is, how the teachers won't let him do other, more advanced work, as they keep him on pace with the rest of the students, (No Child Left Behind). We often discuss things and engage in intelligent arguments, (kind of a who is smarter type game). Keeps him learning outside school as well as defining a great student at school.
As a libertarian, I am also aware of the financial drag The Department of Education presents on our infrastructure. Our taxes dump millions of dollars into an apparently ineffectual system, when kids are coming home from a "boring" day at school, and even more importantly, the established "gun-free" zones that they are, are targets for the "crazies" or the insidious to attack. Why are we funding a program that doesn't really help our kids, and in fact, statistically, puts them in harm's way?
So there you go fans, a solution to gun violence in schools. We have to look at this logically. Why should we give up our ability to protect and defend ourselves from tyranny, just to keep the machine of government funded death zones alive? Is the youth of America better served with education from the state, or education from their parents? Are we being naive to think that the education we got is what our kids are getting today?
Are we falling into the trap of mandatory government education, like the Germans in the 30's? In the age of information ignorance is a choice, and an online education package may not be to bad of an idea.
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