Wednesday, December 26, 2012

With God On Our Side

     As the Christmas holiday winds down, and we here at the Last Voice For Liberty Network get ready to jump back into the rugged waters that is today's news, I would like to take this time to address responsibility in journalism. 
     Those of us who write, or are reporting the news, have a responsibility to our readers to not write things that are condescending to them. We should, as journalists, be diligent in bringing the facts, not talking to our readers as if they were brazen fools. In my endless search for truth and the pursuit of liberty, I came across one such article that does exactly the opposite of what I am asking of my fellow journalists and authors.
     This article, entitled, "Newtown Mass Shooter Adam Lanza May Have Been Involved In Satanism" is pure speculation and propaganda. In a time where the evils of our world seek to divide us to the point of breaking our country, A Christian News site posts this.
      Honestly, he may have been running around with a gerbil in his ass, but that's not gonna change what has happened, and what is going to happen because of it. The ramifications of this event will go way beyond the act itself and any "religious" implications we as speculators can conjure. 
     My biggest question here is, why are we focusing, or even caring about who this guy was, as a person? Why can't we put this same amount of energy into exposing the corruption in our federal and state governments, instead of writing articles of speculation about a person who is dead? He may have been involved in Satanism? Does it really make a difference at this point? Will the discovery of his involvement with the devil bring back the dead? Will it stop the left-wing gun grabbers from infringing upon our constitutional rights? Will it stop the NDAA or repeal Obamacare? Will it audit and close the Federal Reserve, and return us to a palpable form of currency? Are any Senators or Congressmen going to stand up on Capitol Hill, and outlaw Satan as well? Will the President himself, read this story and re-think all his socialistic policies and executive orders? Will the Constitution finally stop being interpreted, and it's words recognized to mean what they say? Or, will this just affect those it intends to, the weak minded? Will the weak-minded sheep come running to the church out of fear that they may become devil worshipers and shoot up a school? Is it too much to ask that we have news reported to us, not just "keyword" propaganda? 
     With all the holes in this case, doubts being cast as to whether there was a second gunman, doubts cast as to the validity of this whole event, why would we muddy the waters with religion? Religion's place in this tragedy,(if it truly is one, I don't know, I wasn't there), should be in the counsel and condolence of the victims families, not running sensationalist headlines, with only an unconfirmed source as their informant. This is irresponsible to say the least, and I would have hoped that a Christian News page would not stoop to such levels. 
     I am not a religious man, but I do believe in God. As an outside observer of organized religion, I have to say that I don't think the shape this country is in, and the forcing out of God is a coincidence. A return to a more moral society would truly benefit the country, yet more than just the opponents of God stand in the way of it becoming a reality. Those who claim to worship Him and follow the teachings of the bible dividing themselves not only in faith but in the ways they worship. Division is EXACTLY what the bible is against. Yet we continue to do it, over and over. 
     Printing articles such as this, only adds fuel to the fires of division, treats your readers as if they are fools, and reduces your credibility as journalists, as well as bringing shame upon the Christian faith. Try reporting on ways positive changes in the community are being introduced by the church. Try making those changes yourself, without the church. Promote the ideals brought forth by our forefathers, a bunch of God fearing men who put in place Constitutional protection for ALL religions, and how the fellowship of a few can enlighten a few, but the fellowship of many can enlighten the world.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Guilty of thinking, a crime much worse than all....

     The statement made by the Newtown Sheriff's Department yesterday, where they threatened independent journalists with prosecution for reporting any information that doesn't come from the department itself, is the boldest attempt at police state control, you could easily go so far as to say, Nazi-like. When a government or state official, presumes to tell citizens or the press what they can and cannot print, we have a clear violation of the first amendment of the Constitution.
     Reporting information, be it true or false, is not a crime. It is up to authorities to prove facts, and answer questions. Only honesty from our officials and full disclosure of the facts can disprove a news report. Not any departments "say so". This officer, and by his own admission, the federal government, is telling you, the public, that you are not intelligent enough to decide if a report is true or not. If these wanna-be tyrants attempt to prosecute ANYONE for reporting on this story, they will violate the freedom of the press right, cited in the first amendment of the constitution. If anything we report in any of our shows if found to be inaccurate, we will admit our wrongs, and always strive for the truth. But to be persecuted for asking questions of suspicious situations, or reporting the possibilities, or for that matter, speculating or expressing an opinion is the highest form of tyranny.
     Allow me to refresh everyone's memories and note the first amendment right here: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, OR OF THE PRESS; or the right of the people to peacefully assemble, AND TO PETITION THE GOVERNMENT FOR A REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES."
     There is NO interpreting the words written here, or for that matter, the rest of the Constitution. The words mean what they say, just as they did when it was written. To tell ANYONE they cannot report a contradictory story under threat of prosecution, not only restricts the freedom of speech and the Press, but DENIES, in this case in particular, the right to petition the government for the redress of grievances. The police stated that this action was in cooperation with the federal government, and any reports contrary to what they have stated are subject to prosecution, therefore, by their own admission, ignoring our Constitutionally guaranteed right.
     This department, with support from the federal government, has threatened to prosecute people who speak out against their lies. Last I heard, when a group threatens another for speaking out, that is TERRORISM. This is a terrorist act, and there is no explanation for it, other than what we have been saying is finally coming to pass, and the war is brewing. This, added with dis-arming people over the same false flag they are guarding so closely, by THREATENING TO PROSECUTE ANYONE WHO DISAGREES WITH THEIR STORY, is a blatant attempt to nullify the Constitution, and our rights within. If we are guilty of anything, it's thinking, a crime much worse than all.

Monday, December 17, 2012

If we are to be truly safe, don't stop at guns...

     If we are going to ban guns, because people can cause harm to themselves and others, we need to get serious and really start protecting life by taking away ANYTHING that can cause the death of a person. Let's start the list--

     Knives, forks, skewers, pencils, pens, tree branches, toothpicks, sewing needles, crochet needles, markers, napkins, fabrics of any kind, human hair, fingers, toes, arms, 
legs, carnivorous animals, tall buildings, vehicles of any kind, stairs, furniture, glass, rigid plastics, all metallic products, any chemically made products, all solid foods, all bodies of water larger than 8 ounces, all surgeries must be banned because the risk death in most surgeries is about the same as the chances of a person being killed by a terrorist, pillows, rubber, rope, string, all objects (including rocks) that are larger than a dime, ........... getting the picture yet?

     None of these objects, by themselves, or even in the hands of a person, would be suspicious of causing death, why are we banning guns? I caught a report this evening about a gun restriction initiative to scrutinize people's backgrounds and mental health before they can legally purchase a firearm. Sounds good, doesn't it? Especially in the wake of the tragedy in Connecticut, where the media's focus seems to be on the mental stability of the alleged shooter. The thing is folks, we already do this. There is a petition online that 80,000 people have signed within 24 hours of it being posted on the White House website. Why are people petitioning to do what we already do?

     What must be pointed out, as petitions like this gain so much popularity with the repeated propaganda by the media telling people what they want them to think, is the alleged shooter stole the guns. What good does making new laws restricting people from legally acquiring guns do to keep people from illegally getting them? 

     When the media is blatantly removing the facts, omitting truths, and now, the police chief of Newtown announces that they will prosecute any whistle blowers or independent journalists such as myself who report anything that is contrary to what they are reporting. I say to this man, BRING IT ON, PAL. We the people have a right to know the truth, and the right to decide for ourselves what to believe. Who the Hell are you to threaten prosecution for giving information? It is up to the receiver of the information to make the decision as to it's validity, not the state's.  

     The freedom of the press, as guaranteed by the first amendment of the constitution, is something apparently this officer has not heard of. Or he is purposefully trying to ignore the amendment. Just as the right to keep and bear arms is being ignored by our elected "officials" in Washington D.C.

     Throughout history, in every instance where a government turned on it's people, they first disarmed, and silenced them. Dissenters--those who would redress their grievances with their government, were imprisoned and/or put to death. When I first "woke up", I could not believe that we were repeating history, heading down the same path as the Germans did, as the Russians did, toward socialism, which, to me, is just the P.C. way of saying slavery. I came to realization, that our government wasn't stupid, they read the history books. And they believe they have learned how to make it work.

     They have learned to be patient, implementing little bits at a time, controlling the mainstream media, passing laws, that in plain English, violate the constitution. Now they threaten prosecution for spreading information, while our president, exploiting the memorial service of the murdered children to make a 24 minute televised  speech, vows to use the power of his office to "do something" about people shooting up places. Such an open ended comment, (in which he made no such claim with the Batman shooter, since it was before the election), leaves no doubt in this feller's mind just what he means by that. The complete disarmament of the United States citizens. In conjunction with the global tyrants in the U.N, who have been pushing all of our presidents to do so for decades.

     Well Mr. Newtown police chief, I don't believe the story and information you're telling me, and I'm probably not the only one. Therefore, by the power vested in me as a taxpaying American citizen, I am calling to ALL my fellow patriots who know they aren't telling us the truth, who know our rights as guaranteed by the constitution and the Freedom of Information Act, to come together on our Last Voice For Liberty FaceBook page, and let's see if we can come up with a fund or a lawyer who would take the case of prosecuting them for lying. If they can do it to us, we can to them.

     Remember one thing as the politics of this folds out. The alleged shooter was an autistic young man, who having never fired a gun before, stole his mother's four guns, killed her,(it can be reported now that she was in the employ of the CIA and DARPA, the reason she owned 4 guns, one of which was already banned under New York law), drove to another state, entered a school dressed as Rambo, shot 26 people with dead-on accuracy, then himself. (Also remember, this boy's father is involved in testifying in the LIBOR scandal, just like the Batman shooter's father).That is their "official" story, that's what they want everyone to believe. It feels ridiculous to say, or even type. 

  And sure enough, if this whole situation wasn't as sickening as it could seem already, as I am writing this, it has been brought to my attention that both Aurora, and Sandy Hook are mentioned in The Dark Knight Rises film. Check out our pod casts this week on the last voice for liberty YouTube channel, as we plan to report EVERYTHING they don't want you to know. And I dare someone to try and prosecute me for reporting the truth. For my ally is the U.S.Constitution, and a powerful ally it is. 

Saturday, December 15, 2012

I see false flags a-risin

     It wasn't so long ago, our nation was gripped by another senseless act of violence, by another "mentally unstable" young man, who amazingly procured firearms and opened fire upon a movie theater full of innocents. The outrage from the left, with their harrowing cries of blaming the guns for the violence, seemed not to gather as much steam toward full firearm confiscation as they would have liked. Why?
     There were too many initial reports of a second shooter, for starters, along with all the fishy evidence found at the gunman's apartment. Factor in suspicious funding to get the guns (remember, he was an unemployed student), a head full of psychoactive prescription narcotics, and the coup de gras, his father's involvement in the LIBOR scandal, there was more than enough evidence to point out a false flag setup.
     Now that the tragedy in Connecticut has occurred, the socialist/fascist/communists again are screaming for gun confiscation, and as a free man, capable of critical thinking, I had to start asking questions;

1. If the government would go so far as to stage a false flag at a movie theater, would they go even further to stage one at a school?
           My answer is yes. If their first false flag didn't sway enough public opinion for them to enact gun control with the blessings of the voters, they would try again. They would try harder. If murdering comic book movie fans wasn't enough to tug the heartstrings of the public into submission, they would have to be more diligent. They had to perpetrate a crime so heinous, that it would stir the emotions of the public in such a way to spur immediate reaction. For those of you who are new, false flag attacks are staged tragedies intended to sway public opinion over legislation a certain group wants passed.

2.Were there any similarities between this shooting and the proven false flag in Colorado?
     My answer, unfortunately, yes.
     Both shooters had mental issues, resulting in the taking of prescription drugs, The Colorado gunman had even been studying mind control drugs and programs such as MK-Ultra. The Connecticut killer was reportedly autistic(some sources say) or had a history of mental illness, depending upon which report you read. Both planned enough ahead to arm to the teeth, with both shooters carrying up to 4 guns and body armor. (I must note that there are reports stating that the Connecticut man actually left 2 of the guns in the car). Both events had initial reports of multiple suspects from eyewitnesses, but this time, the lamestream switched up real quick, not explaining their sudden change in information, but repeated the catch words "lone gunman" at an increased rate for the rest of the broadcasts I watched. Both assailants fired upon their victims as coldly as machines, as if they had been programmed to. But perhaps the most disturbing similarity, and I have not yet been able to confirm this yet, but word is going round that the Connecticut shooter's father is ALSO involved in the LIBOR scandal, just as the Colorado killer's father.

3. Can it really, in all possible outcomes or events, be just a coincidence?
     My answer. Not Bloody likely.
     The odds of both disturbed individuals taking the same path by killing random innocents, AND reports of multiple suspects, AND both their fathers' being involved in the same scandal is border-lining the ridiculous to me. Even the circumstances and actions surrounding this recent shooting are cause for questioning:
        This 20 year old clumsy,autistic young man, who never fired a gun before, dressed in camo and full body armor, drives to another state, and looking like Rambo, gets let into a locked school, where he kills 26 people with dead on accuracy, at a school his mother used to work at years ago, who, by the way he had already killed with her own gun, then he takes his own life. If that doesn't want to make you ask questions, I don't know what will.
     Just now confirmed, the Connecticut shooter's father WAS involved with the LIBOR scandal, as he IS the Tax Director for General Electric.
     Now you should all know just how low our government will sink to make us want their total control over our lives. -----------------------------------The Mouth--Host Last Voice For Liberty Network